EURES je bil vzpostavljen leta 1994 kot mreža med javnimi zavodi za zaposlovanje v državah EU/EGP, ki jo je takrat usklajevala Evropska komisija, od leta 2021 pa Evropski organ za delo. Sodelovale so tudi druge organizacije, kot so sindikati in organizacije delodajalcev, zlasti kot udeleženke v posebnih partnerstvih v regijah, v katerih je vožnja na delo čez mejo pogosta.
Da bi bil EURES močnejši in učinkovitejši kot instrument za lajšanje prostega gibanja in izboljšanje delovanja evropskega trga dela, se je spremenil in ta reforma se odraža v Uredbi (EU) 2016/589 o mreži EURES.
Med glavnimi cilji uredbe o mreži EURES je bila širitev omrežja in vključitev več organizacij, bogatejša ponudba informacij, smernic in storitev zaposlovanja še širšemu krogu iskalcev zaposlitve in delodajalcev po vsej Evropi.
Zato morajo vse države članice EU/EGP vzpostaviti nacionalne sisteme, ki bodo organizacije v njihovih državah spodbudile, da bodo postale članice ali partnerice mreže EURES. Vsaka organizacija, ki opravlja storitve zaposlitve, se lahko mreži pridruži, če izpolnjuje skupna merila iz uredbe o mreži EURES ter zahteve in postopke zadevnega nacionalnega sistema sprejema.
Nekaj osnovnih zahtev:
Organizacija, ki želi podstati članica mreže EURES, mora zagotoviti vse naslednje tri storitve:
- prispevati k naboru prostih delovnih mest s posredovanjem podatkov portalu mreže EURES,
- prispevati k naboru prijav za zaposlitev in življenjepisov s posredovanjem podatkov portalu mreže EURES ter
- iskalcem zaposlitve in delodajalcem zagotoviti neposredno podporo (informacije, usmerjanje, podporo po zaposlitvi).
Partnerica mreže EURES mora zagotoviti vsaj eno od navedenih treh storitev in ponuditi tehtno utemeljitev, zakaj ne more zagotoviti vseh storitev članice, na primer zaradi svoje velikosti, omejenih virov ali narave drugih storitev, ki jih običajno opravlja.
Vse članice in partnerice EURES morajo izpolnjevati določena minimalna merila iz uredbe o mreži EURES v zvezi s ponudbo storitev (npr. skladnost s standardi dela in zakonodajo, zmožnost nuditi druge storitve, brezplačne storitve za delavce) in udeležbo v omrežju EURES (npr. zagotavljanje podatkov v skladu s standardi in oblikami, programiranje in poročanje, napotitve in usposabljanje osebja).
Več informacij
Za več informacij o nacionalnih predpisih in postopkih ter o nacionalnih kontaktnih točkah izberite državo v spodnjem seznamu. (Večina informacij je na voljo samo v angleščini)
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
For more information, please contact your regional PES:
- ADG - Public employment service – German-speaking Community:
- Actiris - Public employment service – Brussels Capital Region:
- Le Forem - Public employment service for Wallonia:
- VDAB - employment service for the Flemish region:
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found at the website of the Bulgarian National Employment Agency:
Short information in English can be found at the Bulgarian national EURES website:
For more information, please contact the National Coordination Office:
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
No information available yet, please contact the National Coordination Office:
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
The Estonian National Admission System into the EURES Network
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
The Finnish National Admission System into the EURES Network
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
All important information, background, call of interest, etc. are published and available on the EURES Hungary national website.
No information available yet, please contact the National Coordination Office:
Information and contact details can be found here:
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
The Italian National Admission System into the EURES Network
Information, including the procedure and minimum criteria can be found here:
- For EURES Members (licenced Private employment Agencies)
- For EURES Partners (associations or foundations which have at least three years of experience in providing advice on working conditions and career issues or human resource planning issues, as well as advising employers or employees on the establishment of employment relationships)
For more information, please contact the National Coordination Office:
No information available yet, please contact the National Coordination Office:
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
The Lithuanian National Admission System into the EURES Network
No information available yet, please contact the National Coordination Office:
ADEM - L’Agence pour le développement de l’emploi (National Employment Service Luxembourg)
Calls will be published via online media (website, social media, e-mail).
For more information, please contact the National Coordination Office:
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
The Norwegian National Admission System into the EURES Network
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
Calls will be published on the PES website:
For more information, please contact the National Coordination Office:
No information available yet, please contact the National Coordination Office:
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
The Slovakian National Admission System into the EURES Network
Short information in English can be found at the Slovenian national EURES website:
For more information, please contact the National Coordination Office:
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
The Spanish National Admission System into the EURES Network
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
The Swedish National Admission System into the EURES Network
No information available yet, please contact the National Coordination Office: