EURES je pokrenut 1994. kao mreža javnih službi za zapošljavanje u državama članicama EU-a/EGP-a. U to je vrijeme aktivnosti EURES-a koordinirala Europska komisija, a od 2021. to čini Europsko nadzorno tijelo za rad. Ostale organizacije, kao što su sindikati i udruženja poslodavaca, također sudjeluju u radu, osobito u posebnim partnerstvima u regijama s visokom stopom prekograničnih dnevnih radnih migracija.
Kako bi EURES postao snažnije i učinkovitije sredstvo za olakšavanje slobodnog kretanja i bolje funkcioniranje europskog tržišta rada, provedena je reforma sadržana u Uredbi (EU) br. 2016/589.
Jedan je od glavnih ciljeva Uredbe o EURES-u povećati i proširiti mrežu kako bi u njoj sudjelovalo više organizacija koje će ponuditi više informacija, pomoći i usluga zapošljavanja još većem broju tražitelja posla i poslodavaca u cijeloj Europi.
U tu svrhu sve države članice EU-a/EGP-a moraju uspostaviti nacionalne sustave za primanje organizacija koje žele postati članovi i partneri EURES-a. Sve organizacije koje pružaju usluge zapošljavanja mogu se slobodno pridružiti mreži ako ispunjavaju zajedničke kriterije utvrđene Uredbom o EURES-u te zahtjeve i postupke sustava primanja u njihovoj zemlji.
Neki osnovni zahtjevi:
Da bi postala članica EURES-a, organizacija mora pružati sve sljedeće tri usluge:
- doprinos bazi slobodnih radnih mjesta slanjem podataka na portal EURES-a
- doprinos bazi prijava na slobodna radna mjesta i životopisa slanjem podataka na portal EURES-a
- pružanje podrške tražiteljima posla i poslodavcima (informacije, pomoć, podrška nakon zapošljavanja).
Partner EURES-a mora pružati barem jednu od triju prethodno navedenih usluga i obrazložiti zašto ne može pružati sve usluge koje pružaju članovi, npr. zbog svoje veličine, ograničenih resursa ili prirode drugih usluga koje obično pruža.
Svi članovi i partneri EURES-a moraju ispunjavati određene minimalne kriterije navedene u Uredbi o EURES-u u pogledu pružanja usluga (npr. usklađenost s radnim standardima i zakonodavstvom, sposobnost pružanja usluga, besplatne usluge radnicima) i sudjelovanja u mreži EURES-a (npr. dostava podataka u skladu sa standardima i formatima, programiranje i izvješćivanje, dodjela i osposobljavanje osoblja).
Više informacija
Ako želite saznati više o nacionalnim propisima i postupcima te nacionalnim kontaktnim točkama, odaberite neku od država s popisa u nastavku. (Većina informacija dostupna je samo na engleskom)
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
For more information, please contact your regional PES:
- ADG - Public employment service – German-speaking Community:
- Actiris - Public employment service – Brussels Capital Region:
- Le Forem - Public employment service for Wallonia:
- VDAB - employment service for the Flemish region:
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found at the website of the Bulgarian National Employment Agency:
Short information in English can be found at the Bulgarian national EURES website:
For more information, please contact the National Coordination Office: euresaz [dot] government [dot] bg (eures[at]az[dot]government[dot]bg)
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
No information available yet, please contact the National Coordination Office:
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
The Estonian National Admission System into the EURES Network
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
The Finnish National Admission System into the EURES Network
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
All important information, background, call of interest, etc. are published and available on the EURES Hungary national website.
No information available yet, please contact the National Coordination Office:
Information and contact details can be found here:
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
The Italian National Admission System into the EURES Network
Information, including the procedure and minimum criteria can be found here:
- For EURES Members (licenced Private employment Agencies)
- For EURES Partners (associations or foundations which have at least three years of experience in providing advice on working conditions and career issues or human resource planning issues, as well as advising employers or employees on the establishment of employment relationships)
For more information, please contact the National Coordination Office: nvanva [dot] gov [dot] lv (nva[at]nva[dot]gov[dot]lv)
No information available yet, please contact the National Coordination Office:
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
The Lithuanian National Admission System into the EURES Network
No information available yet, please contact the National Coordination Office:
ADEM - L’Agence pour le développement de l’emploi (National Employment Service Luxembourg)
Calls will be published via online media (website, social media, e-mail).
For more information, please contact the National Coordination Office:
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
The Norwegian National Admission System into the EURES Network
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
Calls will be published on the PES website:
For more information, please contact the National Coordination Office:
No information available yet, please contact the National Coordination Office:
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
The Slovakian National Admission System into the EURES Network
Short information in English can be found at the Slovenian national EURES website:
For more information, please contact the National Coordination Office: euresess [dot] gov [dot] si (eures[at]ess[dot]gov[dot]si)
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
The Spanish National Admission System into the EURES Network
Information, including the procedure, Minimum Criteria and Application Forms can be found here:
The Swedish National Admission System into the EURES Network
No information available yet, please contact the National Coordination Office: