EURES Members and Partners in your country - European Union
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EURES (EURopean Employment Services)

EURES Members and Partners in your country

EURES is a European cooperation network of employment services. It covers all European Union countries as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.

European Coordination Office (ECO)

The network is coordinated at European level by the European Coordination Office, established within the European Labour Authority (ELA). ECO manages the EURES portal and the European (Online) Job Days (EOJD) web platform.

National Coordination Offices (NCO)

Each country that is a member of the network has appointed a National Coordination Office for EURES, responsible for coordinating the national network of Members and Partners.

EURES Members and Partners

The services to jobseekers and employers are provided by EURES Members and Partners.

Public employment services (PES) play a specific role, as they are participating and providing services as EURES Members just as other Members. Besides PES, other employment services and organisations providing services to jobseekers and employers can also participate either as EURES Members or Partners. It depends on the kind of services they offer.

A EURES Member provides the full range of EURES services whereas a EURES Partner has a more limited service offer, depending on the size of the organisation or the character of the other services it normally provides.

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Find a EURES Member or Partner

Find out who they are and how to contact them by selecting a country via the button below.