Hints and tips for employers - European Union
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EURES (EURopean Employment Services)

Hints and tips for employers

Hiring workers from other countries of the European Economic Area (EEA) can provide businesses with the opportunity to find motivated and skilled workers, especially in the case of national work force shortages in specific economic sectors. It can also contribute to increasing corporate innovation and competitiveness.

However, finding workers from another European country can be a difficult task if you have not done it before.  How do you get started? What should you consider? Who can offer you help and support? 

The threefold checklist below will give you an idea of the steps you need to take before (the research steps), during (the recruitment process in another EEA country) and after (the retention process)recruiting abroad.


If you have a question about recruiting abroad, please click on the “Search for EURES Advisers' to find your nearest EURES Adviser.

To give you inspiration, here are some endorsements from employers who have benefited from recruiting abroad, either with the assistance of EURES Advisers or at recruitment fairs organised by EURES:

We have been working with EURES since 1996. Every year several advisers in different countries help us to recruit about 370 seasonal employees. The EURES Advisers are always very helpful, well-informed and know how to position our company in their country. We have a lot of trust in EURES and feel privileged to work with them.

Isabelle van Aarle, General Manager, Cosmo Entertainment, Netherlands

It was a great pleasure for MISCO Malta to take part in the European Job Fair in Brussels. It was the first time MISCO has participated in an international job fair and as it was a positive experience we look forward to take part again in the future. EURES contributed to the success of this job fair and we like to thank them for their assistance throughout.

Ms Joanne Scerri HR Executive, MISCO Malta

At Climax’ we like to have international staff to deal with our many international customers. So EURES provides the perfect service for our restaurant and does so in an efficient and helpful way. Our local EURES Adviser knows exactly what we look for when we recruit staff and is always quick to contact us when she spots an interesting CV.

Papangelis Polyhronis, Owner, Climax Restaurant and Bar, Greece

We welcome your emailed suggestions for new topics to add to the checklist (Email address: eures@ela.europa.eu).