Europass - European Union
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EURES (EURopean Employment Services)


What can the new Europass do for you?

Europass is your free set of online tools and information to help you manage every step of your learning and development.

You can use Europass as a personal set of tools to record all your learning, work or personal experiences and achievements in one place. You can create diverse CVs and cover letters, understand how to present your skills and qualifications and manage related documents.

Discover all the tools that Europass offers you such as:

  • Europass profile: where you can describe your skills, find interesting development and learning opportunities, manage  your applications and create different CVs and cover letters;
  • Europass Digital Credentials: lets you receive and share digital degrees, diplomas and certificates from education and training institutions. It is a free and secure online system;
  • Easy transfer of your information from EURES to create your Europass profile or the other way round, to explore jobs available in EURES;
  • Useful information and links to European Union (EU) services as well as national services that will help support your development or learning path.

Education providers, youth workers, policy makers, career guidance professionals and employers can also find relevant Europass services that can benefit them.

Discover Europass and kick-start your career path now!

Take the next step and create your Europass profile to get the best from your Europass.