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EURES (EURopean Employment Services)
  • News article
  • 13 October 2021
  • European Labour Authority, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • 2 min read

How COVID-19 has fundamentally changed recruitment

With COVID-19 vaccination rates steadily going up, Europe is slowly getting back to normal. The pandemic has profoundly changed the world of work, particularly recruitment and hiring. Here are some of the changes that we think are here to stay.

How COVID-19 has fundamentally changed recruitment

Virtual job interviews are the new normal

Before the pandemic, many companies used virtual job interviews only as a last resort. Face-to-face interviews were considered the norm to an extent that some recruiters would rather reschedule or cancel an interview than do it online. Now, many employers realise that virtual recruitment is not only more efficient – it is the way forward. Online job interviews (or interviews that incorporate virtual elements) save time and money both for the employer and the candidate, and allow for a quick and effective recruitment process.

Location is no longer a deciding factor

With many businesses adopting flexible working policies, recruiters are no longer limited by the company’s location. Hiring agents now have access to a much wider pool of candidates. On the one hand, this means that more jobseekers compete for the same position, but on the other hand, it allows recruiters to find the perfect hire for the employer.

There is a demand shift in the labour market

The uncertainty caused by the pandemic has made people wary of working in less-established companies or high-risk sectors. Applicants now are more likely to apply for jobs in bigger, more stable companies that can provide job security. In addition, although COVID-19 has been devastating for some sectors, like hospitality and entertainment, it has been very beneficial for others, like IT, which have also seen a spike in interest from applicants.

Companies need to impress jobseekers

As businesses are slowly recovering from the pandemic, they have started recruiting again, which means candidates have more options in their job search. For companies to stand out, they now have to actively ‘sell’ themselves to jobseekers by offering relevant perks, such as flexible working, health and wellness packages, and sick leave policies for when employees need to care for a sick family member. Remote working is here to stay, and employers can no longer rely on attracting jobseekers with a fancy office or a quirky recreation room – instead they need to show how they will look after their staff.

COVID-19 has led to a shift in the type of skills that companies are looking for in applicants. That is why, we have prepared a few COVID-19 questions to help employers select the perfect candidate.

Related links:

Top 9 COVID-19 questions employers should ask candidates at job interviews


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