Mur għall-kontenut ewlieni
EURES (EURopean Employment Services)

Action required for displaced people fleeing the war in Ukraine and allowed to work in the EU as benefitting from temporary protection pursuant to the Temporary Protection Directive

To enhance our services and the jobseekers’ experience, you may decide to transfer your account and CV from EURES to Europass. If you wish to continue benefitting from the EU Talent Pool Pilot, please follow the simple two step procedure here

This is a technical change that does not affect your status under the Temporary Protection Directive in the European Union.

Mill-31 ta’ Marzu 2025, il-kontijiet tal-persuni li qed ifittxu impjieg u dak li jiħloq is-CV fuq il-portal tal-EURES mhux se jibqgħu disponibbli. Biex tkompli tapplika għal opportunitajiet ta’ impjieg fuq l-EURES, trid tittrasferixxi s-CV tiegħek lil jew toħloq CV ġdid fl-Europass. Tintbagħat informazzjoni dettaljata lil persuni rreġistrati li qed ifittxu impjieg permezz ta’ email.

Il-proġett Pilota tar-Riżerva ta’ Talent għall-persuni spostati li qed jaħarbu mill-gwerra fl-Ukrajna se jiġi affettwat ukoll. Il-parteċipanti bi protezzjoni temporanja għandhom jiżguraw li jittrasferixxu s-CV tagħhom lill-Europass biex iżommu l-viżibbiltà lil impjegaturi potenzjali.

Għall-assistenza, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja lill-Helpdesks tal-EURES jew tal-Europass.

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