EU Talent Pool Pilot
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EURES (EURopean Employment Services)

EU Talent Pool Pilot

  • ELA logo
  • EURES logo
  1. Log into your EURES account.
  2. Access your CV and export it directly to Europass using the provided button. 
screen shot of the section of the EURES CV builder showing the Export to Europass button highlighted

Please note that at the moment of the submission of your CV from Europass to EURES, you will have to declare whether you are: 

  • a Ukrainian national who was residing in Ukraine at the time of the start of the war benefitting from temporary protection in the EU 
  • a third country national or stateless person benefitting from temporary protection as you were legally residing in Ukraine at the time of the start of the war with refugee status or with equivalent national protection 
  • benefitting from temporary protection as family member of one of the two abovementioned categories 
  • a third country national or stateless person benefitting from temporary protection as legally residing in Ukraine on the basis of a valid permanent residence permit, and unable to return to the country or origin.

Temporary protection refers to the protection status granted in accordance to the Temporary Protection Directive and established by Council Implementing Decision 2022/382  to support those fleeing the war in Ukraine. 

This is a technical change that does not affect your status under the Temporary Protection Directive in the European Union. 

You can also always access support from public employment services (PES) in your country of residence, to help you find job opportunities in the EU countries.

For more information on temporary protection in the EU and related rights, please check the following link: Information for people fleeing the war in Ukraine.

Member States participating in the EU Talent Pool Pilot

Search for a job safely and fast through the EURES portal

The European Employment Services (EURES) is a European cooperation network between the European Commission, the European Labour Authority (ELA), national public employment services and other Members and Partners in Europe.

There are nearly 4 million job vacancies on the EURES portal and employers can search for candidates through a CV database. Around 1 000 EURES Advisers, working in the EURES Member and Partner organisations, are providing support prior, during and after the recruitment process.

Disclosing your personal information

As a jobseeker you can create your CV, highlight your experience and preferences. You can choose not to disclose any personal data on your profile, i.e. your phone number, email address, address, name of previous employers and even your photo and name.

Your published anonymised CV will be accessible to trusted EURES Advisers (dedicated personnel working in the EURES Member and Partner organisations), as well as to a selection of carefully validated and registered employers. If they want to get in touch with you, they can do so through the EURES portal; employers will not have access to your email address.

Supporting Materials

Here you find useful information about national authorities to contact for temporary protection; organisations active in helping those fleeing Ukraine, as well as how to contact them; free travel options; healthcare; and information on validity of driving licences.

This page also includes an interactive map with the locations across EU countries that show reception facilities, transfer hubs or offer further information about your travel and stay in the EU.

#StandWithUkraine Video Campaign

#StandWithUkraine: work in the EU
#StandWithUkraine: fleeing from the war to the EU

Job seeking sources

Please find a selection of links to additional resources below:

EU Talent Pool Pilot is a joint initiative of Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion, Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs and the European Labour Authority to help persons fleeing Ukraine to get jobs in the EU labour market