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EURES (EURopean Employment Services)
  • News article
  • 21 November 2017
  • European Labour Authority, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • 2 min read

Summer in Croatia, winter in Austria: one jobseeker has made it work

With its magnificent coastline, Croatia is a popular tourist destination in summer – meaning qualified and experienced hospitality workers are in high demand.

Summer in Croatia, winter in Austria: one jobseeker has made it work
Tomislav Rihter – EURES Croatia

But when the summer season ends in September or October, a significant part of the seasonal workforce returns to the Croatian Public Employment Service, with many workers remaining jobless until the season begins again in May. For some, the solution lies in winter jobs overseas.

Take Tomislav Rihter, from Osijek in eastern Croatia. Thanks to his substantial work experience and knowledge of German, he found work via the EURES Osijek office at a recruitment event for the 2016/2017 ski season in Austria.

Following an on-site selection process with representatives of the Austrian Arbeitsmarktservice (AMS) and Economic Chambers, he was matched with an employer in Oberlech in Austria.

He worked there as a chef de partie in pâtisserie and was very satisfied with the experience. “As the ski resorts are full of tourists until the end of April, we had a lot of work, and the conditions were excellent,” says 42-year-old Tomislav. “The kitchen of the hotel restaurant was well-equipped and modern, so I had everything I needed at hand.

“I was given a new room, which was spacious, nicely decorated and clean. At the end of the working day I had my privacy and peace. From talking to the employer, I’ve found out that there are plans for ten new rooms and a fitness room for staff, all to make employees happy.”

After the winter season in Austria finished, Tomislav returned to Osijek, and he soon found a summer job as a hotel chef on the island of Hvar, where he is equally happy.

“The guests included some famous Croatian singers,” he recalls, “so I was happy to meet them and they were thrilled with my food. And I’m guaranteed a job here for the summer season in 2018.”

EURES Adviser Ivana Šarić, who has supported Tomislav in his job search, adds: “To make employment throughout the year possible, EURES Croatia has established a partnership with AMS and EURES Austria in recruitment events for the Austrian winter season.

“Now, Tomislav is again focused on winter season opportunities in Austria, and we are happy to be able to make this ‘circular season’ possible for him, and many others, thanks to good cooperation between countries in the EURES network.”


Related links:

EURES Croatia

Croatian Public Employment Service

EURES Osijek

Austrian Arbeitsmarktservice (AMS)

Austrian Economic Chambers

EURES Austria

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