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EURES (EURopean Employment Services)
  • News article
  • 24 October 2017
  • European Labour Authority, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • 2 min read

Estonia’s turn to shine as it hosts EU presidency

The spotlight is on Estonia this autumn and winter, as the country hosts the presidency of the Council of the EU.

Estonia’s turn to shine as it hosts EU presidency
EURES Estonia

Not only is this a chance for Estonia to show off its culture to fellow Member States, it’s an opportunity to attract jobseekers to the country and promote the services EURES can offer to those looking for work abroad.

One of the principal ways EURES Estonia is doing this is with an onsite job fair in Tallinn on 7 November. They expect more than 90 local and overseas employers and around 5,000 visitors to attend. Employers from Norway, Germany and the Czech Republic have already confirmed their attendance, as they look to recruit jobseekers from Estonia.

The event is the country’s largest job fair and will take place in the Creative Hub in Tallinn, where all the official meetings are being held during the presidency. During the fair there will also be seminars for national employers as part of the European Employers Day initiative, organised by the European Network of Public Employment Services (PES).

Working in Estonia has numerous benefits, according to National EURES Coordinator Marta Traks. “People moving to Estonia from other countries for work consider the main attraction to be its compact organisational hierarchy, which enables you to climb the career ladder more rapidly than in other countries,” she says. “Young employees are given opportunities to lead, and staff members’ contributions are noticed and rewarded.”

Outside the workplace, the country has lots to offer, she adds. “There is plenty of fresh air, fresh food and spacious countryside. People from a variety of cultural backgrounds say they feel comfortable living here. Despite the small size of the country, you can always attend great gigs and exhibitions. You never feel like time is standing still.”

The country is organising a number of other events linked to migration during the presidency. In September, for example, Tallinn’s university hosted a conference called The EU in the Global Race for Talents: Challenges and Solutions in Strengthening the EU’s Competitiveness, organised by the Estonian national contact point for the European Migration Network.

This conference is a unique platform bringing together key stakeholders in the field of legal migration in Europe, including policymakers from EU Member States, the European Commission, the European Parliament, EMN national contact points, intergovernmental organisations, NGOs, the private sector and the public.


Related links:

Largest job fair in Estonia with 5000 jobseekers onsite

Tallinn Creative Hub is a creative centre in the heart of Tallinn.

Estonian Presidency of the Council of the European Union

European Employers Day initiative

European Network of Public Employment Services (PES)

A video introduction to Estonia ahead of the country's first time holding the presidency of the European Union

Conference: The EU in the Global Race for Talents: Challenges and Solutions in Strengthening the EU’s Competitiveness

European Migration Network


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European Job Days


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