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EURES (EURopean Employment Services)



Articles are intended to provide users of the EURES portal with information on current topics and trends and to stimulate discussion and debate. Their content does not necessarily reflect the view of the European Labour Authority (ELA) or the European Commission. Furthermore, EURES and ELA do not endorse third party websites mentioned above.

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News (401)

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  • News article

As part EURES’ 25th birthday celebrations, jobseekers were invited to share their EURES stories in return for the chance to win some great prizes. Over the new few months, we’ll be showcasing the winners and their experiences.

  • 2 min read
  • News article

As part EURES’ 25th birthday celebrations, employers were invited to share their EURES stories in return for the chance to win some great prizes. Over the new few months, we’ll be showcasing the winners and their experiences.

  • 3 min read
  • News article

As part EURES’ 25th birthday celebrations, jobseekers were invited to share their EURES stories in return for the chance to win some great prizes. Over the new few months, we’ll be showcasing the winners and their experiences.

  • 2 min read
  • News article

Labour mobility is often associated with jobseekers moving abroad for work. However, for some mobile workers returning back home can be as tough as relocating to a new country. We asked Katarzyna Kawka-Kopeć from the National Coordination Office in Poland about how they support returning mobile work

  • 4 min read
  • News article

Moving abroad for work may be great for your career, but it can be a daunting experience. You have made up your mind and accepted the job, but now is not the time to get caught up in the excitement of the moment. You still have some planning to do, and EURES is here to help you.

  • 3 min read
  • News article

COVID-19 has allowed many companies to rise above the constraints of their physical offices and turn to hiring remote workers, including employees from abroad. But what is the best way to integrate new international hires into your organisation?

  • 3 min read
  • News article

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected working environments around the world, which has changed how businesses recruit. Read our top five tips to continue to recruit in this challenging environment.

  • 2 min read
  • News article

Thanks to a joint initiative by EURES and two German employers, several European jobseekers have been offered opportunities to train as special needs care workers in Bavaria. One beneficiary, Alessandria Grossi, tells us her story.

  • 3 min read
  • News article

Now is an unusual time to be job seeking, as we continue to see widespread remote working and travel restrictions due to COVID-19. However, employers across Europe are still hiring and there are many ways you can optimise your searches to find the job for you.

  • 3 min read
  • News article

In a rapidly changing world, employers may need to look further afield to attract the best employees. COVID-19 may have changed the world of work, but there are still thousands of jobseekers across Europe, and EURES can help you find the best recruits for your business.

  • 2 min read