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EURES (EURopean Employment Services)

Niedobory i nadwyżki siły roboczej w Europie

Find out more about labour shortages and surpluses from 2023 in the report here, or use the interactive dashboard below and explore the data yourself.

The report also contains a specific analysis in five countries: Ireland, Italy, Latvia, The Netherlands, and Poland.

For a glossary of terms, the dashboard manual and reports related to labour shortages and surpluses, please scroll down or click here.

Shortages and surpluses dashboard 2023 (EN)

The dashboard is based on data collected for European Labour Authority (2024), EURES report on labour shortages and surpluses 2023, which compiles PES administrative data and data from other sources as submitted by the EURES National Coordination Offices. 

Contributors used different methodologies and data sources available at national level.

The dashboard contains 1764 shortages and 691 surpluses identified across 29 countries, in 409 individual occupations grouped within 10 occupational groups. 


Dashboard manual

  • 8 KWIETNIA 2024
Shortages and surpluses dashboard manual


Glossary - Definitions


The International standard classification of occupations (ISCO) is an international classification under the responsibility of the International Labour Organization (ILO) for organising jobs into a clearly defined set of groups according to the tasks and duties undertaken in the job.

Labour shortage

When there is a sufficient number of people with the required skills, but for various reasons an insufficient number of them take up employment in the occupation and location in question.

Labour surplus

When there is a higher number of people with the required skills looking to take up employment in the occupation and location in question than there are jobs available.

Severe shortage

Severe shortage is equivalent to a shortage of a high magnitude, as defined by EURES National Coordination Offices (NCOs) for their national context.

Skills shortage

Where there is insufficient supply for the skills needed.

Skills surplus

Where there is insufficient demand for the skills available.

Annual reports on labour shortages and surpluses

These reports identify shortage and surplus occupations in the EU, Norway, Iceland and Switzerland and explore the causes of shortages and propose potential solutions. 

Report of shortage and surplus occupations 2023 (EN only)

Report of shortage and surplus occupations 2022 (EN only)

Analysis of shortage and surplus occupations 2021 (EN only)

Analysis of shortage and surplus occupations 2020 (EN only)

Labour shortages and surpluses 2019 (EN only)

Labour shortages and surpluses 2017 (EN only)

Labour shortages and surpluses 2016 (EN only)