This event has ended.
EURES - Agenzia Piemonte Lavoro gives start to “Europe month 2024: WHAT'S IN THE BOX?" to celebrate 30 years of EURES! A single, big box of different events to celebrate 30 years of EURES in grand style in the month dedicated to Europe.
- labour mobility
- Thursday 9 May 2024, 09:00 - Thursday 30 May 2024, 17:00 (CEST)
- Italy
- Country
- Italy
- Related to
- Skills & Careers
- Jobseekers
- Employers
Practical information
All online and onsite informative, career guidance and/or recruiting events will take place in Piedmont Public Employment Services in May 2024. Universities, Europe Direct Centres, Eurodesks, Vocational Institutes and High Schools are involved.
The target is NEET, jobseekers, students, employers and stakeholders.
General contact
Patrizia Mercuri
- Name
- Patrizia Mercuri
- eures
agenziapiemontelavoro [dot] it