Labour Market Information: Switzerland - European Union
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Labour Market Information: Switzerland


National level - Switzerland

* The years referenced in this report vary, as the data is based on the most up-to-date information available for each indicator, as of December 2024.

Labour market

As of 1 January 2024, about 9 million people lived in Switzerland. The gross domestic product per inhabitant was EUR 75 200 in 2019, 112.4% higher than the average of EUR 35 400 per inhabitant in the EU27. Between 2018 and 2019, the GDP per capita increased by 4%.

Gross domestic product (GDP) per inhabitant (EUR)20182019202020212022
Switzerland72 100 75 200    
EU2730 300 31 300 30 100 32 700 35 400 

Note: nama_10r_2gdp, Statistics | Eurostat (

In 2023, more than 5.1 million people were active on the labour market in Switzerland. The employment rate was 80.7%, 10.3 percentage points higher than the EU27 average and almost identical to 2018. In 2023, for women, the employment rate was 76.8%, for men, the employment rate was 84.4%, and for youth, the employment rate was 61.5%, all above the EU average.

Employment rate (%)20192020202120222023

Note: lfst_r_lfe2emprt, data refer to working age population (15-64), youth age group (15-24)  Statistics | Eurostat (

In 2023, the unemployment rate was nearly matching the level registered in 2022. In 2023, the unemployment rate has not yet returned to the level before the pandemic, when it equaled 4.9% in 2018, and 4.5% in 2019. The unemployment rate is consistently below the EU27 average. In 2023, it was 2 percentage points lower in Switzerland than in the EU27.


In 2023, 64.6% of the active workforce were from Switzerland, 20.5% from other EU Member States and 14.7 from third countries. In the EU27, as of 2023, the highest proportion of the workforce comes from the respective country (85% on average), while on average a smaller portion is from foreign countries (4.3% from other EU Member States, and 10.5% from third countries).


In 2022, most employees worked in manufacturing (18.8%), followed by wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (16.8%), construction (9.2%) and professional, scientific and technical activities (9.1%). In terms of number of enterprises, most can be found in wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (17.9%), professional, scientific and technical activities (14.6%), and construction (13%).


In Switzerland, the highest proportion of employees (31.8%) worked in large companies with more than 250 employees. These companies accounted for only 0.8% of all enterprises in the country, with just 1 351 of such businesses. 22.3% of persons employed worked in medium companies with 50 to 249 employees, 14.6% of persons employed worked in micro companies with up to 9 employees, 13.1% of persons employed worked in small companies with 20 to 49 employees and 10.7% of persons employed worked in small companies with 10 to 19 employees.



In 2024, in Switzerland, the occupational groups with the highest occurrence of shortage occupations were: science and engineering professionals, health professionals and information and communications technology professionals.

Read more about labour shortages and surpluses in Europe: Labour shortages and surpluses in Europe 2023 | European Labour Authority (

Job vacancy rate

Regarding the job vacancy rate (defined as the number of job vacancies expressed as a percentage of the total sum of occupied posts and job vacancies), in 2023 this was 2.1 % in the industry, construction and services, nearly matching the EU27 average. This rate has increased by 0.2 percentage points compared to 2022 and it is still above the situation before 2020, when it stood only at 1.6% .

Job vacancy rate (%)20192020202120222023

Note: jvs_a_rate_r2, Statistics | Eurostat

The sectors with the highest vacancy rates were: human health and social work activities; education; arts, entertainment and recreation; public administration and defence; compulsory social security; administrative and support services.

Job vacancy rate by sector20192020202120222023
Mining and quarrying0.80.711.21.6
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply2.422.23.33.6
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities0.90.811.61.9
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles1.
Transportation and storage1.
Accommodation and food service activities2.
Information and communication3.
Financial and insurance activities2.31.72.332.5
Real estate activities1.21.41.311.1
Professional, scientific and technical activities2.
Administrative and support service activities0.
Human health and social work activities1.
Arts, entertainment and recreation10.611.21

Note: jvs_a_rate_r2, Statistics | Eurostat

Widely Used Job Portals

Name of the organisation owning/administering the portal (native and EN name)Type of organisation (public, private)URL/link
SECO (State Secretariat for Economic Affairs)Public Employment Services
 Public Employment
 Leading job search


Minimum wage

As of 2024, Switzerland did not have a statutory minimum wage and relied on collective bargaining to set wage floors. As collective bargaining in Switzerland is at 45% (OECD-ICTWSS), most workers are not covered by some form of wage floor.

Monthly average gross and net earnings

In 2023, the gross average earnings of a single person stood at EUR 8759, while the EU27 average was EUR 3417. The equivalent net wage was EUR 7 132 in Switzerland, compared to EUR 2351 in the EU27. Compared to 2018, gross average earnings increased by 34% in Switzerland and by 19.8% in the EU27. During the same period, the net wages have increased by 32% in Switzerland and by 22.1% in the EU27.

Monthly average gross and net earnings (EUR)20192020202120222023
Gross earningSwitzerland6 902 7 303 7 509 8 406 8 759 
EU272 930 2 918 3 018 3 162 3 417 
Net earningSwitzerland5 693 6 003 6 145 6 848 7 132 
EU271 983 1 992 2 076 2 178 2 351 

Note: earn_nt_net, Single person earning 100% average, annual rates transformed into 12 monthly payments. Statistics | Eurostat (


Go directly to Digital transition | Flexible work arrangements | Green transition | Immigration | Job registration requirement | Remote work | Unemployment

Digital transition

The digital transformation is also evident in the Swiss labour market. On the one hand, jobs increasingly require digital skills. On the other hand, professional activities in Switzerland that are only partially replaceable by digitalisation are becoming more important. A current national research programme is also looking at the question of how digitisation is changing the Swiss labour market. Projects

Flexible work arrangements (related to e.g. working time, place of work or type of contract)

Flexible work arrangements are increasingly important in the Swiss labor market, influenced by both the digital transition and changing employee expectations. Here are some key trends, challenges, and particularities to consider: Employment Trends

  1. Hybrid Work Models: Many Swiss companies are adopting hybrid work models that combine remote and in-office work. This flexibility allows employees to balance personal and professional commitments, leading to improved job satisfaction and productivity.
  2. Flexible Working Hours: There is a growing trend toward flexible working hours, enabling employees to choose their start and end times. This is particularly appealing for those with caregiving responsibilities or other commitments.
  3. Freelancing and Gig Economy: The gig economy is expanding, with more professionals opting for freelance work or short-term contracts. This trend offers greater autonomy and the ability to choose projects but can also bring uncertainty regarding income stability.

Green Transition

The green transition also has a certain impact on the Swiss labour market. A recently completed research project also addressed this question, among others. Green labour market effects – NRP 73.

Immigration (from the EU, from third countries)

Swiss companies can recruit workers from EU/EFTA states on the basis of the Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons. The firms must comply with the wages that are customary in the location and industry, as well as the minimum wage and working conditions of generally binding collective labour agreements. Information on topics relating to working and pay conditions in Switzerland and its cantons can be found here: Posting - Welcome to Third countries: Companies require a permit from the cantonal office to employ workers from a non-EU/EFTA state. Recruitment is limited to highly qualified specialists. Proof is required that no suitable person could be found in the EU/EFTA area. Working in Switzerland

Job registration requirement

Employers are required to register vacancies in occupations where the national unemployment rate is at least 5% with the regional employment centre (RAV). The list of occupations that have to be registered can be found here: Check-Up. The job vacancy has to be posted on the online job portal “Job Room” for five working days before it can be advertised elsewhere. Jobseekers registered with the RAV are informed first about vacancies in occupations with a high level of unemployment.

Remote work

In 2023, 30.8% of employed persons in Switzerland sometimes worked from home, compared to 13.3% in the EU27. Additionally, 8.3% of employed persons in Switzerland usually worked from home, while in the EU27 it was 8.9%.

Employed persons working from home as a percentage of the total employment (%)20192020202120222023

Note: lfsa_ehomp, Product - Datasets - Eurostat

Unemployment (e.g. long-term, youth, female, structural or low-skilled)

The labour force participation rate among women in Switzerland is comparatively high. This is partly due to the numerous opportunities for part-time work. However, at 41.7 hours, the average weekly working hours for a full-time workload are relatively high by European standards.

Lake Geneva (Région lémanique)

With 1 701 827 inhabitants, Lake Geneva represented about 19.3% of the population in Switzerland in 2023.

The gross domestic product per capita, adjusted for price levels (PPS) in Lake Geneva was 231.9% of the EU27 average, below the national average of 240.3%.

Finance and Banking: Geneva is known as a global financial center, hosting numerous banks, financial institutions, and multinational corporations. 

International Organizations: The presence of many international organizations, including the United Nations and various NGOs, provides a unique employment landscape focused on diplomacy, international relations, and humanitarian work. 

Technology and Innovation: The region has a growing tech sector, particularly in areas like information technology, biotech, and clean technology, supported by universities and research institutions.

In 2023, more than 905 900 people were active in the labour market in Lake Geneva. 44.5% had tertiary education, 36.5% had secondary education, and 18% had primary education. The employment rate in Lake Geneva was 59.8 % in 2023, 5.1 percentage points lower than the national average in Switzerland and in line with 2022 figures.

The employment rate for women in 2023 was 55.1%, men had an employment rate of 64.8%, and for the youth the employment rate was 45.2%, all below the national average.

Employment rate20192020202120222023
Total Switzerland65.264.664.364.364.9
Région lémanique60.259.15959.459.8
Female Switzerland70.67069.469.670.1
Région lémanique65.464.664.164.764.8
Male Switzerland6059.459.359.259.9
Région lémanique55.253.954.154.455.1
Youth Switzerland61.259.460.561.661.5
Région lémanique46.145.643.646.845.2

Note: lfst_r_lfe2emprt, Statistics | Eurostat (, data refer to age group 15 years or over

The unemployment rate in Lake Geneva was 6.6% in 2023, 2.6 points higher than the national average in the same year and in line with the previous year.

Unemployment rate20192020202120222023

Note: lfst_r_lfu3rt, Statistics | Eurostat, data refer to age group 15 years or over


Sectors with Available Vacancies 

  1. Finance and Banking: 
  • Occupations: Financial analysts, investment bankers, risk managers, and compliance officers. 
  • Employers: Major banks, investment firms, and multinational financial institutions. 
  • Technology and IT: 
  • Occupations: Software developers, IT consultants, data scientists, and cybersecurity experts. 
  • Employers: Tech startups, established IT firms, and companies across sectors seeking digital expertise. 
  1. Healthcare: 
  • Occupations: Doctors, nurses, medical technicians, and healthcare administrators. 
  • Employers: Hospitals, clinics, and healthcare organizations, both public and private. 
  1. Tourism and Hospitality: 
  • Occupations: Hotel management, restaurant staff, event coordinators, and tour guides. 
  • Employers: Hotels, restaurants, and tourism agencies. 
  1. Education:
  • Occupations: Teachers, educational coordinators, and administrative roles in schools and universities. 
  • Employers: Public schools, private institutions, and universities. 
  1. International Organizations and NGOs: 
  • Occupations: Policy analysts, project managers, and administrative support roles. 
  • Employers: UN agencies, NGOs, and international non-profits, particularly in Geneva.

Types of Employers 

Multinational Corporations: Many large international companies, particularly in finance and technology, have a strong presence in the region. 

Public Sector: Government agencies, educational institutions, and healthcare facilities are major employers. 

Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs): A significant number of SMEs operate in various sectors, particularly in technology and services.


  1. Healthcare: Similar to other regions, there is a pressing demand for nurses, doctors, and healthcare assistants, driven by an aging population and growing health needs. 
  2. Hospitality and Tourism: This sector often struggles with shortages, particularly for seasonal roles in hotels, restaurants, and event management during peak tourist seasons. 
  3. Technology and IT: The region’s booming tech industry creates a high demand for software developers, data scientists, and IT specialists, reflecting the global digital transformation. 
  4. Construction: Skilled trades such as electricians, carpenters, and general construction workers are in demand, especially with ongoing infrastructure projects and urban development. 
  5. Education: There is a shortage of qualified teachers, particularly in specialized subjects and for early childhood education. 

Nature of the Shortages 

Structural: Many shortages are structural, resulting from long-term demographic trends, educational gaps, and skill mismatches. The healthcare and education sectors are particularly affected by these persistent issues. 

Temporary: Some shortages are temporary and linked to specific events or projects, such as large construction undertakings or major conferences that require additional staff. 

Seasonal: The hospitality sector experiences significant seasonal fluctuations, with increased demand during summer and winter tourism peaks, making it challenging to find workers during these times.


  1. Administrative and Clerical Roles: There tends to be a surplus of candidates in administrative positions due to automation and increased efficiency in office processes. 
  2. Retail: Entry-level positions in retail often see surpluses, particularly as the shift to e-commerce reduces the need for in-store staff. 
  3. Hospitality: While there are shortages in some areas, specific roles within the hospitality sector (e.g., low-skilled service jobs) may experience surpluses due to seasonal variations in demand. 
  4. Low-Skilled Manual Labour: Workers in sectors that require minimal qualifications may face surpluses as automation and technology reduce the number of available positions. 

Characteristics of Surplus Workers 

Gender: Surpluses are often more pronounced in female-dominated sectors, such as retail and hospitality, where many entry-level roles are held by women. 

Age: Younger workers, particularly recent graduates and those entering the job market, may struggle to find positions, leading to surpluses in certain fields. Additionally, older workers may face challenges in transitioning to new roles. 

Education Level: Individuals with lower educational qualifications may find it harder to secure jobs, resulting in a surplus of candidates in low-skilled occupations.

Espace Mittelland

With 1 918 746 inhabitants, Espace Mittelland represented about 21.8% of the population in Switzerland in 2023.

The gross domestic product per capita, adjusted for price levels (PPS) in Espace Mittelland was 217.3% of the EU27 average, well below the national average of 240.3%.

Manufacturing: A significant portion of employment is in manufacturing, particularly in precision engineering, machinery, and watchmaking. 

Services: The service sector, including finance, healthcare, and education, plays a crucial role in the economy, reflecting the overall Swiss trend. 

Agriculture: The region also has a notable agricultural sector, with a focus on dairy farming and other agricultural products.

In 2023, more than 1 101 000 people were active in the labour market in Espace Mittelland. 39% had tertiary education, 45.6% had secondary education, and 14.6% had primary education. The employment rate in Espace Mittelland was 65.2 % in 2023, in line with the national average and in line with 2022 figures.

The employment rate for women in 2023 was 60.3%, men had an employment rate of 70.3%, and for the youth the employment rate was 66.5%, all above the national average.


Employment rate20192020202120222023
Total Switzerland65.264.664.364.364.9
Espace Mittelland65.664.564.664.465.2
Male Switzerland70.67069.469.670.1
Espace Mittelland70.670.269.669.770.3
Female Switzerland6059.459.359.259.9
Espace Mittelland60.859.159.859.460.3
Youth Switzerland61.259.460.561.661.5
Espace Mittelland65.863.166.866.766.5

Note: lfst_r_lfe2emprt, Statistics | Eurostat (, data refer to age group 15 years or over

The unemployment rate in Espace Mittelland was 3.5% in 2023, in line with the national average in the same year and in line with the previous year.

Unemployment rate20192020202120222023
Espace Mittelland3.

Note: lfst_r_lfu3rt, Statistics | Eurostat, data refer to age group 15 years or over


Sectors with Available Vacancies 

  1. Manufacturing: 
    • Occupations: Engineers, technicians, production workers, and quality control specialists. Employers: Primarily SMEs and larger manufacturing companies, particularly in precision engineering and machinery. 
  2. Healthcare: 
    • Occupations: Nurses, medical technicians, caregivers, and administrative roles in hospitals and clinics. 
    • Employers: Public hospitals, private clinics, and care facilities. 
  3. Education: 
    • Occupations: Teachers, educational coordinators, and administrative staff in schools and universities.
    • Employers: Public schools, vocational training institutions, and universities. 
  4. Finance and Business Services: 
    • Occupations: Financial analysts, accountants, consultants, and administrative roles. 
    • Employers: Banks, consulting firms, and corporate service providers, including both large firms and SMEs. 
  5. Information Technology: 
    • Occupations: Software developers, IT support specialists, data analysts, and cybersecurity experts. 
    • Employers: Tech startups, established IT firms, and companies across various sectors looking for IT expertise. 
  6. Agriculture and Food Production: 
    • Occupations: Agricultural workers, food processing specialists, and supply chain managers. Employers: Farms, food production companies, and cooperatives. 

Types of Employers 

Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs): A significant portion of the job market is comprised of SMEs, particularly in manufacturing and services. 

Public Sector: Government agencies, educational institutions, and healthcare facilities are major employers in the region. 

Multinational Corporations: There are also opportunities within larger multinational companies, especially in finance and IT.


  1. Healthcare: There is a significant demand for nurses, caregivers, and specialized medical staff. The aging population and increasing healthcare needs contribute to this shortage. Construction: Skilled tradespeople, including electricians, plumbers, and construction workers, are in high demand, especially with ongoing infrastructure projects. 
  2. Hospitality and Tourism: Seasonal jobs in hotels, restaurants, and event management often face shortages, particularly during peak tourist seasons. 
  3. Technology and Engineering: Professionals in IT, software development, and engineering are consistently sought after, reflecting broader trends in the tech industry. 
  4. Manufacturing: Skilled workers in precision machining and assembly are needed due to the region’s strong industrial base. 

Nature of the Shortages 

Structural: Many of these shortages are structural, driven by demographic changes (aging workforce), educational mismatches, and evolving industry needs. For example, the healthcare sector faces long-term shortages due to insufficient training capacity for new professionals. 

Temporary: Some shortages are temporary, linked to specific projects or events. For instance, large construction projects can create spikes in demand for skilled labor that may not be sustained after completion. 

Seasonal: The hospitality and agriculture sectors experience seasonal fluctuations. Workers are often needed in greater numbers during peak seasons, but these roles can be hard to fill consistently.


  1. Administrative and Clerical Roles: There is often a surplus of candidates for administrative positions, including secretarial and office support roles, particularly due to automation and streamlining processes. 
  2. Retail: Many individuals in the retail sector face surpluses, especially in lower-skilled positions, as e-commerce continues to impact traditional retail jobs. 
  3. Hospitality: While there are shortages in some areas, specific roles (e.g., entry-level positions) may see surpluses due to fluctuating demand and seasonal employment patterns. 
  4. Low-Skilled Manual Labour: Workers in sectors requiring low skills, such as basic manufacturing or unskilled construction, may experience surpluses due to automation and technological advancements. 

Characteristics of Surplus Workers 

Gender: Surpluses can be more pronounced in traditionally female-dominated sectors, such as retail and hospitality, where many entry-level roles are filled by women. 

Age: Younger workers, particularly those entering the job market or recent graduates, may experience difficulties finding positions in their fields, leading to surpluses in specific sectors. Additionally, older workers may face challenges in transitioning to new roles due to skill mismatches. 

Education Level: Individuals with lower educational qualifications may struggle more in the job market, leading to a surplus of candidates in low-skilled positions.

North-Western Switzerland (Nordwestschweiz)

With 1 202 435 inhabitants, North-Western Switzerland represented about 13.6% of the population in Switzerland in 2023.

The gross domestic product per capita, adjusted for price levels (PPS) in North-Western Switzerland was 255% of the EU27 average, well above the national average of 240.3%.

Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences: The region is a global hub for the pharmaceutical and life sciences industries, with major companies like Novartis and Roche headquartered in Basel. 

Manufacturing: Besides pharmaceuticals, there is a strong manufacturing presence, particularly in machinery, electronics, and precision instruments. 

Services: The service sector, including finance, logistics, and healthcare, plays a significant role in the local economy.

In 2023, more than 686 000 people were active in the labour market in North-Western Switzerland. 43.7% had tertiary education, 41.5% had secondary education, and 14.2% had primary education. The employment rate in North-Western Switzerland was 64.3 % in 2023, in line with the national average and in line with 2022 figures.

The employment rate for women in 2023 was 59.4%, men had an employment rate of 69.4%, and for the youth the employment rate was 62.1%. The employment rates for women and men were below the national average, while the employment rate for the youth was above the national average.


Employment rate20192020202120222023
Total Switzerland65.264.664.364.364.9
Male Switzerland70.67069.469.670.1
Female Switzerland6059.459.359.259.9
Youth Switzerland61.259.460.561.661.5

Note: lfst_r_lfe2emprt, Statistics | Eurostat (, data refer to age group 15 years or over

The unemployment rate in North-Western Switzerland was 3.9% in 2023, in line with the national average in the same year and in line with the previous year.

Unemployment rate20192020202120222023

Note: lfst_r_lfu3rt, Statistics | Eurostat, data refer to age group 15 years or over


  1. Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences: 
    • Occupations: Research scientists, regulatory affairs specialists, production operators, and quality assurance personnel. 
    • Employers: Major pharmaceutical companies (e.g., Novartis, Roche) and biotech firms. 
  2. Manufacturing: 
    • Occupations: Engineers (mechanical, electrical), technicians, production supervisors, and quality control specialists. 
    • Employers: SMEs and larger manufacturing firms, especially in machinery and precision engineering. 
  3. Information Technology: 
    • Occupations: Software developers, IT project managers, data analysts, and cybersecurity specialists. 
    • Employers: Tech startups, IT consulting firms, and large corporations across sectors. 
  4. Finance and Business Services: 
    • Occupations: Financial analysts, accountants, risk managers, and consultants.
    • Employers: Banks, insurance companies, and consulting firms. 
  5. Healthcare: 
    • Occupations: Nurses, medical technicians, healthcare administrators, and therapists. 
    • Employers: Hospitals, clinics, and private healthcare providers. 
  6. Logistics and Supply Chain: 
    • Occupations: Supply chain managers, logistics coordinators, and warehouse staff. 
    • Employers: Logistics companies and distribution centers. 

Types of Employers 

Large Corporations: The presence of multinational companies, particularly in pharmaceuticals and finance, provides numerous opportunities. 

Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs): Many SMEs operate in manufacturing, technology, and services, contributing significantly to local employment. 

Public Sector: Local government agencies, educational institutions, and healthcare facilities are key employers in the region.


  1. Healthcare: There is a high demand for healthcare professionals, including nurses, physicians, and allied health workers. The aging population and increased healthcare demands drive this need.
  2. Manufacturing and Engineering: The region has a strong industrial base, leading to shortages in skilled workers such as engineers, technicians, and machine operators, particularly in sectors like pharmaceuticals and precision engineering. 
  3. IT and Technology: As technology continues to evolve, there is a growing demand for IT specialists, software developers, and cybersecurity experts.
  4.  Construction: There is a notable shortage of skilled tradespeople, including electricians, plumbers, and general construction workers, largely due to ongoing infrastructure projects and urban development. 
  5. Hospitality and Tourism: Seasonal labour shortages are common in the hospitality sector, with increased demand for workers during peak tourist seasons, especially in event management and catering. 

Nature of the Shortages 

Structural: Many shortages are structural, stemming from demographic changes (such as an aging workforce), educational mismatches, and a lack of vocational training. The healthcare and engineering sectors particularly reflect these long-term trends. 

Temporary: Certain shortages are temporary, often related to specific construction projects or events that create short-term spikes in demand for workers. 

Seasonal: The hospitality and tourism industries experience significant seasonal fluctuations, making it challenging to hire sufficient staff during peak periods.


  1. Administrative and Clerical Positions: There is often a surplus of candidates for administrative roles, such as office clerks and secretaries, largely due to automation and digitalization in the workplace. 
  2. Retail: Many entry-level positions in retail see surpluses, particularly as e-commerce continues to impact traditional brick-and-mortar stores. 
  3. Hospitality: Specific roles within the hospitality sector, especially those that are low-skilled, may face surpluses due to seasonal fluctuations and varying demand. 
  4. Low-Skilled Manual Labour: Workers in low-skilled roles, such as basic manufacturing or unskilled construction jobs, may experience surpluses as automation reduces the number of available positions. 

Characteristics of Surplus Workers 

Gender: Surpluses are often more prevalent in traditionally female-dominated fields, such as retail and hospitality, where many entry-level roles are occupied by women. 

Age: Younger individuals, particularly recent graduates or those new to the workforce, may find it challenging to secure jobs, resulting in surpluses in certain sectors. Additionally, older workers may face difficulties transitioning to new roles. 

Education Level: Workers with lower educational qualifications or vocational training may struggle more in the job market, leading to higher surpluses in low-skilled occupations. 

Inclination to Mobility Local vs. International Mobility: Younger and more skilled workers are generally more inclined to pursue opportunities abroad, especially in sectors with high demand, such as technology and engineering. However, various factors, including personal circumstances, language skills, and financial considerations, can influence their mobility. Attraction to Vacancies Abroad: Skilled professionals may actively seek international job opportunities, particularly in high-demand fields. In contrast, surplus workers in low-skilled positions might be less inclined to relocate due to family ties and economic stability


With 1 579 967 inhabitants, Zurich represented about 17.9% of the population in Switzerland in 2023.

The gross domestic product per capita, adjusted for price levels (PPS) in Zurich was 290.7% of the EU27 average, well above the national average of 240.3%.

Finance and Banking: Zurich is one of the world’s leading financial centers, home to numerous banks, financial institutions, and insurance companies. This sector provides a significant number of jobs. 

Technology and Innovation: The city has a vibrant tech scene, with many startups and established companies in IT, fintech, and biotechnology. The presence of research institutions and universities fosters innovation. 

Services Sector: A substantial part of the economy is driven by the service sector, including healthcare, education, and hospitality.

In 2023, more than 954 700 people were active in the labour market in Zurich. 53.3% had tertiary education, 34.2% had secondary education, and 11.9% had primary education. The employment rate in Zurich was 68.8 % in 2023, 3.9 percentage points higher than the national average in Switzerland and 1.2 percentage points higher compared to 2022.

The employment rate for women in 2023 was 64%, men had an employment rate of 73.6%, and for the youth the employment rate was 64.2%, all above the national average.

Employment rate20192020202120222023
Total Switzerland65.264.664.364.364.9
Male Switzerland70.67069.469.670.1
Female Switzerland6059.459.359.259.9
Youth Switzerland61.259.460.561.661.5

Note: lfst_r_lfe2emprt, Statistics | Eurostat (, data refer to age group 15 years or over

The unemployment rate in Zurich was 3.4% in 2023, in line with the national average in the same year and in line with the previous year.

Unemployment rate20192020202120222023

Note: lfst_r_lfu3rt, Statistics | Eurostat, data refer to age group 15 years or over


  1. Financial Services: As a global financial center, Zurich has numerous opportunities in banking, insurance, and asset management. 
  2. Technology: The tech sector is booming, with vacancies in software development, data analysis, cybersecurity, and IT support. 
  3. Healthcare: There is a demand for healthcare professionals, including nurses, medical assistants, and specialized technicians. 
  4. Hospitality and Tourism: With a strong tourism industry, there are positions in hotels, restaurants, and event management. 
  5. Engineering and Manufacturing: Opportunities exist in various engineering fields, particularly in mechanical and electrical engineering. Occupations in Demand
  6. Financial Analysts and Accountants: High demand in the financial sector. 
  7. Software Developers and IT Specialists: Roles in programming, system analysis, and IT support. 
  8. Healthcare Workers: Nurses, care assistants, and allied health professionals. 
  9. Sales and Marketing Roles: Positions in digital marketing, sales management, and customer service. 
  10. Project Managers: Across various sectors, particularly in construction and IT. 

Types of Employers 

Large Corporations: Many multinational companies and banks offer a range of positions, often with structured career development paths. 

Startups: A growing number of tech startups provide opportunities for innovation-driven roles, often in smaller teams. 

Non-Profits and NGOs: Opportunities in social services, healthcare, and environmental organizations. 

Public Sector: Government agencies and municipal organizations also offer stable employment options.


  1. Healthcare: There is a strong demand for healthcare professionals, including nurses, doctors, and medical assistants, driven by an aging population and increasing healthcare needs. 
  2. Technology and IT: As a leading tech hub, Zurich faces significant shortages of IT specialists, software developers, data scientists, and cybersecurity experts, reflecting the rapid growth of the digital economy. 
  3. Engineering: Skilled engineers, particularly in mechanical, electrical, and civil fields, are in high demand due to ongoing industrial and infrastructure projects. 
  4. Construction: There is a shortage of skilled tradespeople, such as electricians, plumbers, and carpenters, largely due to a booming construction sector and ongoing urban development. 
  5. Finance and Business Services: Zurich’s status as a financial center leads to a demand for finance professionals, analysts, and compliance officers, especially with the evolving regulatory landscape. 
  6. Hospitality and Tourism: Seasonal roles in hotels, restaurants, and events often experience shortages, particularly during peak tourist seasons and major events. 

Nature of the Shortages 

Structural: Many of the shortages are structural, stemming from long-term demographic trends (like an aging workforce), skills mismatches, and a lack of qualified candidates in critical fields such as healthcare and technology. 

Temporary: Some shortages are temporary and can be linked to specific projects or events, such as large construction sites or major conferences that create short-term spikes in demand. 

Seasonal: The hospitality sector particularly faces seasonal labour shortages, with heightened demand during summer and winter tourism periods.


  1. Administrative and Support Roles: There tends to be a surplus of candidates for administrative positions, such as secretaries and office assistants, due to automation and digitalization in business processes. 
  2. Retail: Entry-level retail positions often experience surpluses, especially as e-commerce continues to reshape the industry, reducing demand for in-store staff.
  3.  Hospitality: Certain roles within the hospitality sector, particularly low-skilled service positions, may see surpluses, especially during off-peak seasons. 
  4. Low-Skilled Manual Labour: Workers in low-skilled roles, such as basic manufacturing or unskilled construction, may face surpluses due to automation and changing industry demands. 
  5. Creative and Media Fields: Some creative roles, particularly in design and media, may experience surpluses due to a high number of graduates entering these fields. 

Characteristics of Surplus Workers

Gender: Surpluses are often more pronounced in sectors with a higher representation of women, such as retail and hospitality, where many entry-level positions are filled by female workers. 

Age: Younger workers, particularly recent graduates, may struggle to find employment in their fields, leading to surpluses in certain occupations. Additionally, older workers may face challenges in transitioning to new roles or industries. 

Education Level: Individuals with lower educational qualifications or vocational training may experience more significant difficulties in the job market, resulting in higher surpluses in low-skilled positions.

Eastern Switzerland (Ostschweiz)

With 1 217 015 inhabitants, Eastern Switzerland represented about 13.8% of the population in Switzerland in 2023.

The gross domestic product per capita, adjusted for price levels (PPS) in Eastern Switzerland was 208.9% of the EU27 average, well below the national average of 240.3%.

Manufacturing: Eastern Switzerland has a strong manufacturing sector, particularly in textiles, machinery, and precision engineering. The region is historically known for its textile industry. 

Tourism: The scenic landscapes and proximity to the Alps make tourism a significant contributor to the local economy, with opportunities in hospitality and related services. 

Agriculture: The region has a vibrant agricultural sector, particularly dairy farming and the production of local goods.

In 2023, more than 715 100 people were active in the labour market in Eastern Switzerland. 37.1% had tertiary education, 47.8% had secondary education, and 14.4% had primary education. The employment rate in Eastern Switzerland was 66.9 % in 2023, 2 percentage points higher than the national average in Switzerland and in line with 2022 figures.

The employment rate for women in 2023 was 61.7%, men had an employment rate of 72.2%, and for the youth the employment rate was 71.9%, all above the national average.

Employment rate20192020202120222023
Total Switzerland65.264.664.364.364.9
Male Switzerland70.67069.469.670.1
Female Switzerland6059.459.359.259.9
Youth Switzerland61.259.460.561.661.5

Note: lfst_r_lfe2emprt, Statistics | Eurostat (, data refer to age group 15 years or over

The unemployment rate in Eastern Switzerland was 3% in 2023, in line with the national average in the same year and in line with the previous year.

Unemployment rate20192020202120222023

Note: lfst_r_lfu3rt, Statistics | Eurostat, data refer to age group 15 years or over


  1. Manufacturing: 
    • Occupations: Mechanical engineers, production workers, quality assurance specialists, and CNC machinists. 
    • Employers: A mix of SMEs and larger manufacturing companies, particularly in machinery, textiles, and food production. 
  2. Healthcare: 
    • Occupations: Nurses, medical assistants, healthcare administrators, and specialists in elderly care. 
    • Employers: Hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and private healthcare providers. 
  3. Information Technology: 
    • Occupations: Software developers, IT consultants, data analysts, and system administrators. 
    • Employers: Tech startups, established IT firms, and companies across various sectors seeking digital expertise. 
  4. Tourism and Hospitality: 
    • Occupations: Hotel staff, event managers, chefs, and customer service representatives.
    • Employers: Hotels, restaurants, and tourist services, especially in scenic areas. Agriculture and 
  5. Food Production: 
    • Occupations: Agricultural workers, food processing technicians, and supply chain managers. 
    • Employers: Farms, food manufacturers, and cooperatives. 
  6. Finance and Business Services: 
    • Occupations: Financial analysts, accountants, and administrative roles. 
    • Employers: Banks, insurance companies, and consulting firms. 

Types of Employers 

Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs): A significant portion of the job market is comprised of SMEs, especially in manufacturing and services. 

Larger Corporations: Some larger companies, particularly in healthcare and technology, have operations in the region. 

Public Sector: Local government, educational institutions, and healthcare facilities are key employers in Eastern Switzerland.


  1. Healthcare: There is a persistent demand for healthcare professionals, including nurses, doctors, and care workers, driven by an aging population and increasing healthcare needs. 
  2. Engineering and Technical Fields: Skilled engineers, particularly in mechanical and electrical fields, are in high demand due to the region’s focus on manufacturing and high-tech industries. 
  3. Construction: There is a notable shortage of skilled tradespeople, such as electricians, carpenters, and construction workers, largely due to ongoing development projects and infrastructure improvements. 
  4. Hospitality and Tourism: Seasonal roles in hotels, restaurants, and event services often face shortages, particularly during peak tourist seasons, such as summer and winter holidays. 
  5. IT and Digital Services: As digital transformation accelerates, there is a growing need for IT specialists, software developers, and data analysts. 

Nature of the Shortages 

Structural: Many labour shortages in Eastern Switzerland are structural, caused by long-term demographic shifts (such as an aging workforce), skill mismatches, and a lack of vocational training opportunities. This is especially evident in healthcare and engineering sectors. 

Temporary: Some shortages are temporary, often associated with specific projects, such as large construction sites that require additional workers for a limited time. 

Seasonal: The hospitality and tourism sectors experience significant seasonal fluctuations, resulting in challenges in hiring adequate staff during peak periods.


  1. Administrative and Support Roles: There tends to be a surplus of candidates for administrative positions, such as office clerks and support staff, due to ongoing automation and digital transformation. 
  2. Retail: Many entry-level positions in retail experience surpluses, especially as e-commerce continues to disrupt traditional retail environments. 
  3. Hospitality: Certain roles within the hospitality sector, particularly low-skilled positions, may see surpluses due to seasonal demand fluctuations. 
  4. Low-Skilled Manual Labour: Jobs requiring minimal qualifications, like basic manufacturing and unskilled construction, often face surpluses as technological advancements reduce the number of available roles. 

Characteristics of Surplus Workers 

Gender: Surpluses are often more pronounced in sectors that are traditionally female-dominated, such as retail and hospitality, where many entry-level roles are filled by women. 

Age: Younger workers, particularly recent graduates or those new to the workforce, may struggle to secure jobs, leading to higher surpluses in certain fields. Older workers may also find it challenging to transition to new roles or industries. 

Education Level: Individuals with lower educational qualifications or vocational training may face difficulties finding suitable employment, resulting in a surplus of candidates for low-skilled positions

Central Switzerland (Zentralschweiz)

With 841 372 inhabitants, Central Switzerland represented about 9.5% of the population in Switzerland in 2023.

The gross domestic product per capita, adjusted for price levels (PPS) in Central Switzerland was 232.3% of the EU27 average, below the national average of 240.3%.

Manufacturing: Central Switzerland has a robust manufacturing base, particularly in machinery, precision engineering, and food production. 

Services: The service sector is also significant, with finance, tourism, and healthcare playing important roles. Zug, in particular, is known as a financial hub with many multinational companies

In 2023, more than 511 900 people were active in the labour market in Central Switzerland. 42% had tertiary education, 44.3% had secondary education, and 12.9% had primary education. The employment rate in Central Switzerland was 69.7 % in 2023, 4.8 percentage points higher than the national average in Switzerland and in line with 2022 figures.

The employment rate for women in 2023 was 64.7%, men had an employment rate of 74.7%, and for the youth the employment rate was 75%, all above the national average.

Employment rate20192020202120222023
Total Switzerland65.264.664.364.364.9
Male Switzerland70.67069.469.670.1
Female Switzerland6059.459.359.259.9
Youth Switzerland61.259.460.561.661.5

Note: lfst_r_lfe2emprt, Statistics | Eurostat (, data refer to age group 15 years or over

The unemployment rate in Central Switzerland was 2.6% in 2023, 1.4 points lower than the national average in the same year and in line with the previous year.

Unemployment rate20192020202120222023

Note: lfst_r_lfu3rt, Statistics | Eurostat, data refer to age group 15 years or over


  1. Finance and Banking: 
    • Occupations: Financial analysts, investment bankers, risk managers, and compliance officers.
    • Employers: Major banks, investment firms, and multinational financial institutions. 
  2. Technology and IT: 
    • Occupations: Software developers, IT consultants, data scientists, and cybersecurity experts. 
    • Employers: Tech startups, established IT firms, and companies across sectors seeking digital expertise. 
  3. Healthcare: 
    • Occupations: Doctors, nurses, medical technicians, and healthcare administrators. 
    • Employers: Hospitals, clinics, and healthcare organizations, both public and private. 
  4. Tourism and Hospitality: 
    • Occupations: Hotel management, restaurant staff, event coordinators, and tour guides.
    • Employers: Hotels, restaurants, and tourism agencies. 
  5. Education: 
    • Occupations: Teachers, educational coordinators, and administrative roles in schools and universities. 
    • Employers: Public schools, private institutions, and universities. International 
  6. Organizations and NGOs: 
    • Occupations: Policy analysts, project managers, and administrative support roles. 
    • Employers: UN agencies, NGOs, and international non-profits, particularly in Geneva. 

Types of Employers 

Multinational Corporations: Many large international companies, particularly in finance and technology, have a strong presence in the region. 

Public Sector: Government agencies, educational institutions, and healthcare facilities are major employers. 

Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs): A significant number of SMEs operate in various sectors, particularly in technology and services.


  1. Healthcare: There is a strong demand for healthcare professionals, including nurses, doctors, and therapists. The aging population and increasing healthcare needs are significant factors. 
  2. Manufacturing and Engineering: Skilled workers such as engineers, machinists, and technicians are in high demand due to the region’s robust industrial base, especially in precision manufacturing and machinery. 
  3. Construction: There is a notable shortage of skilled tradespeople, including electricians, plumbers, and general construction workers, driven by ongoing infrastructure projects and urban development. 
  4. Hospitality and Tourism: Seasonal roles in hotels, restaurants, and recreational services often face shortages, particularly during peak tourist seasons in summer and winter. 
  5. IT and Technology: As in many regions, there is a growing need for IT specialists, software developers, and data analysts, reflecting the tech industry’s expansion. 

Nature of the Shortages 

Structural: Many of the labour shortages are structural, linked to demographic changes (like an aging workforce), skills mismatches, and the need for more vocational training programs. For example, the healthcare sector faces ongoing recruitment challenges. Temporary: Some shortages are temporary, particularly related to specific construction projects or major events that create short-term spikes in demand for workers. 

Seasonal: The hospitality and tourism industries are particularly affected by seasonal fluctuations, leading to challenges in hiring sufficient staff during busy periods.


  1. Administrative and Support Roles: There tends to be a surplus of candidates for administrative positions, including clerical and office support roles, as automation and improved efficiency reduce demand. 
  2. Retail: Entry-level retail positions often experience surpluses, especially as e-commerce continues to grow, leading to reduced staffing needs in physical stores. 
  3. Hospitality: Certain roles within the hospitality sector, particularly low-skilled positions, may see surpluses due to seasonal employment patterns and fluctuating demand. 
  4. Low-Skilled Manual Labour: Jobs requiring minimal qualifications, such as in basic manufacturing or unskilled construction, can also face surpluses as technology advances and reduces the number of available roles. 

Characteristics of Surplus Workers 

Gender: Surpluses are often more common in sectors that are traditionally female-dominated, such as retail and hospitality, where many entry-level roles are filled by women. 

Age: Younger workers, especially recent graduates and those new to the job market, may struggle to find employment, leading to a surplus in certain areas. Additionally, older workers may find it difficult to transition to new roles or industries. 

Education Level: Individuals with lower educational qualifications or vocational training may experience more significant challenges in securing employment, resulting in a surplus of candidates in lower-skilled occupations.


With 354 023 inhabitants, Ticino represented about 4% of the population in Switzerland in 2023.

The gross domestic product per capita, adjusted for price levels (PPS) in Ticino was 252.1% of the EU27 average, well above the national average of 240.3%.

Financial Services: Ticino is a notable center for banking and financial services, benefiting from its proximity to Italy and its status as a favorable location for international business. 

Tourism: The region’s beautiful landscapes, lakes, and mild climate make tourism a significant contributor to the economy, with many jobs in hospitality and recreational services.

Manufacturing: There is a diverse manufacturing sector, particularly in precision engineering, watchmaking, and textiles.

In 2023, more than 177 800 people were active in the labour market in Ticino. 42.3% had tertiary education, 42.2% had secondary education, and 14.5% had primary education. The employment rate in Ticino was 53.9 % in 2023, 11 percentage points lower than the national average in Switzerland and in line with 2022 figures.

The employment rate for women in 2023 was 46.8%, men had an employment rate of 61.4%, and for the youth the employment rate was 41.2%, all below the national average.

Employment rate20192020202120222023
Total Switzerland65.264.664.364.364.9
Male Switzerland70.67069.469.670.1
Female Switzerland6059.459.359.259.9
Youth Switzerland61.259.460.561.661.5

Note: lfst_r_lfe2emprt, Statistics | Eurostat (, data refer to age group 15 years or over

The unemployment rate in Ticino was 6.5% in 2023, 2.5 points higher than the national average in the same year and in line with the previous year.

Unemployment rate20192020202120222023

Note: lfst_r_lfu3rt, Statistics | Eurostat, data refer to age group 15 years or over


  1. Tourism and Hospitality: 
    • Occupations: Hotel managers, receptionists, chefs, waitstaff, and tour guides. 
    • Employers: Hotels, restaurants, and tourism agencies, particularly in popular tourist areas like Lugano and Locarno. 
  2. Manufacturing: 
    • Occupations: Production operators, engineers (mechanical, electrical), and quality control specialists. 
    • Employers: SMEs and larger manufacturing firms, particularly in machinery, electronics, and watchmaking. 
  3. Finance and Business Services: 
    • Occupations: Financial analysts, accountants, and administrative roles. 
    • Employers: Banks, insurance companies, and consulting firms, with a strong presence in Lugano. 
  4. Information Technology: 
    • Occupations: Software developers, IT project managers, data analysts, and cybersecurity experts. 
    • Employers: Tech startups, established IT firms, and companies across various sectors. 
  5. Healthcare: 
    • Occupations: Nurses, medical assistants, healthcare administrators, and specialists. 
    • Employers: Hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes. 
  6. Construction and Real Estate: 
    • Occupations: Project managers, architects, and construction workers. 
    • Employers: Construction companies and real estate developers. 

Types of Employers 

Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs): A significant portion of the job market is comprised of SMEs, especially in manufacturing and services. 

Larger Corporations: Some multinational companies, particularly in finance and technology, operate in Ticino. 

Public Sector: Local government, educational institutions, and healthcare facilities are key employers in the region.


  1. Healthcare: There is a significant demand for healthcare professionals, including nurses, doctors, and caregivers, driven by an aging population and the growing need for medical services. 
  2. Construction: Skilled trades such as electricians, plumbers, and general construction workers are in high demand, particularly due to ongoing infrastructure projects and urban development. 
  3. Hospitality and Tourism: Seasonal roles in hotels, restaurants, and tourism services often face shortages, especially during the summer and winter tourist seasons.
  4. Manufacturing and Industry: There is a need for skilled workers in manufacturing, particularly in sectors like precision engineering and electronics, which are vital to the local economy. 
  5. IT and Digital Services: The tech sector is experiencing a growing demand for IT professionals, including software developers, data analysts, and cybersecurity experts. 

Nature of the Shortages 

Structural: Many of the shortages are structural, arising from long-term demographic changes (such as an aging workforce), educational mismatches, and insufficient vocational training programs. The healthcare sector, in particular, faces ongoing challenges in recruitment. 

Temporary: Some shortages are temporary, related to specific projects, such as large construction undertakings that create a temporary spike in demand for workers. 

Seasonal: The hospitality and tourism sectors are notably affected by seasonal fluctuations, leading to difficulties in staffing during peak times.


  1. Administrative and Clerical Roles: There tends to be a surplus of candidates for administrative positions, such as office assistants and clerks, primarily due to automation and efficiency improvements in administrative processes. 
  2. Retail: Entry-level retail positions often experience surpluses, particularly as the growth of e-commerce impacts traditional brick-and-mortar stores. 
  3. Hospitality: Certain low-skilled roles in the hospitality sector, especially during off-peak seasons, may see surpluses due to fluctuating demand. 
  4. Low-Skilled Manual Labour: Jobs requiring minimal qualifications, such as in basic manufacturing and unskilled construction, may face surpluses as automation and technological advancements reduce the number of available positions. 

Characteristics of Surplus Workers 

Gender: Surpluses are often more pronounced in sectors that traditionally employ more women, such as retail and hospitality, where many entry-level roles are held by female workers. 

Age: Younger workers, especially recent graduates and those entering the job market, may face challenges securing employment, leading to surpluses in specific fields. Additionally, older workers may struggle to transition to new roles due to changing industry demands. 

Education Level: Individuals with lower educational qualifications or limited vocational training may find it more difficult to secure employment, resulting in a higher surplus of candidates in low-skilled occupations.