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EURES (EURopean Employment Services)

Advertise a job

Most of the jobs on the EURES Job Mobility Portal come from the job vacancies databases managed by the Public Employment Services of the countries participating in EURES. These jobs can be of two types:

  • "EURES jobs", which are jobs where an employer has expressed an interest in recruiting from another country, or
  • any other jobs advertised in the national jobs databases.

If you want to advertise a job in a national jobs database and thereby also make it visible on the EURES portal, you have several options at your disposal. Many countries offer Internet Self Service solutions and Call Centres. To find out how to proceed and whom to contact in the respective countries, please refer to the table below. You will find the contact details of all EURES advisers by clicking on the button "Contact a EURES Adviser".

Please note that you will often need to have a user ID to be able to use the Self Service systems and that some countries require you to be registered as an employer in that country before you can advertise jobs there.