What can EURES do for you?
EURES helps jobseekers to find jobs and employers to recruit from anywhere in Europe
EURES provides a broad range of services to all European jobseekers and employers – before, during, and after their job/candidate search and recruitment.
They address every aspect of living and working abroad, from providing career guidance, reviewing and translating CVs, analysing offers, and facilitating videoconferencing for interviews, to providing information on the European labour market, giving legal and social security advice, organising job fairs, and advising on training, language learning, and funding opportunities – to name just a few!
You can start by consulting the EURES portal or the vast human network of more than 1 000 EURES Advisers working in the 270 EURES Member and Partner organisations.
Whether you are an employer or a jobseeker, EURES services include:
- Providing a large European database of 3 million job vacancies and 1 million CVs on the EURES portal;
- Matching of job vacancies and CVs;
- For jobseekers, the EURES portal does not provide its own CV builder. Instead, we recommend to consult your local public employment service (PES) to enjoy EURES services, or, alternatively build your CV in Europass for having access to tools to reflect on your skills, find training or job opportunities, prepare job applications, and store digital credentials;
- Information and guidance and other support services for workers and employers;
- Access to information on living and working conditions in the EURES countries, such as taxation, pensions, health insurance, social security and others;
- Support to dynamic recruitment events through the European (Online) Job Days platform;
- Information on and access to post-recruitment assistance, such as language training and support with integration in the destination country;
- Specific support services for frontier workers and employers in cross-border regions;
- Support to specific groups in the context of the EURES Targeted Mobility Scheme.