Labour Market Information: Bulgaria - European Union
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EURES (EURopean Employment Services)

Labour Market Information: Bulgaria


National level - Bulgaria

* The years referenced in this report vary, as the data is based on the most up-to-date information available for each indicator, as of December 2024.

Labour market

As of 1 January 2024, about 6.4 million people lived in Bulgaria. The gross domestic product per inhabitant was EUR 13 300 in 2022, 62.4% lower than the average of EUR 35 400 per inhabitant in the EU27. Between 2018 and 2022, the GDP per capita increased by 66%.


Gross domestic product (GDP) per inhabitant, EUR20182019202020212022
Bulgaria8 000 8 800 8 900 10 300 13 300 
EU2730 300 31 300 30 100 32 700 35 400 

Note: nama_10r_2gdp, Statistics | Eurostat (

In 2023, more than 3.1 million people were active on the labour market in Bulgaria. The employment rate was 70.7%, nearly matching the EU27 average and 3 percentage points higher compared to 2018. In 2023, for women, the employment rate was 67.4%, for men, the employment rate was 73.9%, and for youth, the employment rate was 18.8%, with only women having a rate higher than the EU average and with men and youth having rates lower than the EU average.


Employment rate (%)20192020202120222023

Note: lfst_r_lfe2emprt, data refer to working age population (15-64), youth age group (15-24)  Statistics | Eurostat (

In 2023, the unemployment rate was nearly matching the level registered in 2022. In 2023, the unemployment rate returned to the level before the pandemic, when it equaled 5.3% in 2018, and 4.2% in 2019. The unemployment rate is consistently below the EU27 average. In 2023, it was 1.7 percentage points lower in Bulgaria than in the EU27.


In 2023, 99.6% of the active workforce were from Bulgaria, 0.3% from third countries. In the EU27, as of 2023, the highest proportion of the workforce comes from the respective country (85% on average), while on average a smaller portion is from foreign countries (4.3% from other EU Member States, and 10.5% from third countries).


In 2022, most employees worked in wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (24%), followed by manufacturing (23.5%), transportation and storage (7.2%) and construction (7.2%). In terms of number of enterprises, most can be found in wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (36.6%), professional, scientific and technical activities (12.9%), and manufacturing (8%).


In Bulgaria, the highest proportion of employees (25.9%) worked in large companies with more than 250 employees. These companies accounted for only 0.2% of all enterprises in the country, with just 767 of such businesses. 20.5% of persons employed worked in medium companies with 50 to 249 employees, 12.4% of persons employed worked in small companies with 20 to 49 employees, 9.5% of persons employed worked in small companies with 10 to 19 employees and 3.4% of persons employed worked in micro companies with up to 9 employees.



In 2024, in Bulgaria, the occupational groups with the highest occurrence of shortage occupations were: food processing, woodworking, garment and other craft and related trades workers, health professionals and health associate professionals. On the other hand, the occupational groups with the highest occurrence of surplus occupations were: business and administration associate professionals, sales workers and science and engineering professionals.

Read more about labour shortages and surpluses in Europe: Labour shortages and surpluses in Europe 2023 | European Labour Authority (

Job vacancy rate

Regarding the job vacancy rate (defined as the number of job vacancies expressed as a percentage of the total sum of occupied posts and job vacancies), in 2023 this was 0.8 % in the industry, construction and services, 2 percentage points lower than the EU27 on average. This rate has increased by 0.1 percentage points compared to 2022 and it is still above the situation before 2020, when it stood only at 0.9% .

Job vacancy rate (%)20192020202120222023

Note: jvs_a_rate_r2, Statistics | Eurostat

The sectors with the highest vacancy rates were: human health and social work activities; education; arts, entertainment and recreation; public administration and defence; compulsory social security; administrative and support services.

Job vacancy rate by sector20192020202120222023
Mining and quarrying2.
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply1.21110.9
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities0.
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles0.
Transportation and storage0.90.90.811
Accommodation and food service activities1.
Information and communication0.
Financial and insurance activities0.
Real estate activities0.
Professional, scientific and technical activities0.
Administrative and support service activities0.
Human health and social work activities2.
Arts, entertainment and recreation0.

Note: jvs_a_rate_r2, Statistics | Eurostat

Widely Used Job Portals

Name of the organisation owning/administering the portal (native and EN name)Type of organisation (public, private)URL/link
National Employment AgencyPublic Employment Services
jobsPrivate job portal
karieriPrivate job portal
zaplataPrivate job portal
jobtigerPrivate job portal
rabota.bgPrivate job portal


Minimum wage

As of 1 January 2024, the statutory minimum wage in Bulgaria was set at 477.04 EUR. .

Monthly average gross and net earnings

In 2023, the gross average earnings of a single person stood at EUR 1005, while the EU27 average was EUR 3417. The equivalent net wage was EUR 780 in Bulgaria, compared to EUR 2351 in the EU27. Compared to 2018, gross average earnings increased by 71.8% in Bulgaria and by 19.8% in the EU27. During the same period, the net wages have increased by 71.8% in Bulgaria and by 22.1% in the EU27.

Monthly average gross and net earnings (EUR)20192020202120222023
Gross earningBulgaria654 710 781 894 1 005 
EU272 930 2 918 3 018 3 162 3 417 
Net earningBulgaria508 551 606 693 780 
EU271 983 1 992 2 076 2 178 2 351 

Note: earn_nt_net, Single person earning 100% average, annual rates transformed into 12 monthly payments. Statistics | Eurostat (


Go directly to Ageing workforce | Digital transition | Expected growing or declining sectors | Female labour market participation | Flexible work arrangements | Green transition | Immigration | Insufficient job offers for jobseekers to find jobs | Insufficient number of jobseekers with the required skills | Issues related to remuneration | Other | Outmigration | Platform work | Remote work | Skills that are expected to increase or decline in demand | Traineeships, internships and apprenticeships | Unemployment | Workers with disabilities | Workers' and employers' preferences on employment and working conditions don't match

Ageing workforce

Northwest region - The population in small settlements/villages is ageing and immobile; young people are moving to large settlements. In the engineering sector, there is an increase in the average age of workers. Due to the unattractive nature of the work, there is a shortage of young people and the education system is not producing new ones.

Northeast region - Based on the overall trend of an aging population, employers generally prefer to hire individuals of working age without health issues or social responsibilities such as caring for children, sick parents, etc. Young people who possess higher digital competence are preferred.

South-central region - The population in the small towns of the South Central Region region is aging. After completing secondary education, young people head to the big cities to continue their education and stay there looking for employment or go to EU countries, which leads to a lack of young people ready to join the labor market.

Southeast region - large percentage.

Digital transition

Northwest region - Digital proficiency level requirements - basic, intermediate, advanced depending on job sector. Extremely important for those working in public administration and in industries where there is a lack of manpower and employers have taken action towards automating the production process.

South-central region - The development of digital technologies is a necessity that improves the efficiency and accessibility of public services. The interoperability of information systems is improved.

Southeast region- Requirements for the level of digital skills proficiency – basic, intermediate, advanced.

Expected growing or declining sectors

Northwest region - Increased demand for health care workers, garment workers, construction workers.

North Central- Some businesses unable to start due to lack of workforce, mostly in light industry, manufacturing and services/trade

Female labour market participation

Northwest region - Employers avoid hiring mothers with young children because they often have to miss work. The preference of jobseekers with young children is for jobs to be within the locality, with working hours from 08.00 to 17.00 and a Monday to Friday working week.

South-central region - The participation of women in the labor market (mothers with small children) implies the conclusion of labor contracts with reduced working hours, time corresponding to the visit to schools and kindergartens.

Southeast region - With a higher employment rate and active participation in job searching.

North Central- Many employers in various economic sectors, and even in traditionally male-dominated occupations, are moving towards hiring women. Women are more in demand because of personal qualities such as discipline, reliability, flexibility and better adaptability.

Flexible work arrangements (related to e.g. working time, place of work or type of contract)

Northwest region - Employers shall advertise shift or regular hours, fixed-term or open-ended contract and stationary work arrangements.

Southeast region - Remote work opportunities are available.

Southwest region - Jobseekers registered with the DBT wish to have opportunities for flexible working hours, part-time. Often the need for a hybrid working model is stated - (from office and home).

Green Transition

Southeast region- The green transition is most commonly observed in public administration through the introduction of e-government, data exchange, and communication via the use of electronic platforms for state governance, utilized by both the private and public sectors.

Immigration (from the EU, from third countries)

Northwest region - Third-country nationals are mainly employed in agriculture - farming and livestock farming, as well as meat processing. Ukrainian nationals have settled and are employed in the hospitality and catering sector, as well as in clothing manufacturing companies. Foreign students graduated in medicine started working in health care institutions.

South-central region - The interest of citizens from third countries in the labor market in the South

Central region and more specifically in the Plovdiv region is increasing. Due to labor shortages, employers are increasingly looking for staff from third countries.

Southeast region - During the summer months, citizens of third countries engage in seasonal employment for periods of up to 9 days and up to 9 months, which is a clear trend in the region.

Insufficient job offers for jobseekers to find jobs

Northwest region -There are job offers, but they do not sufficiently satisfy the jobseekers’ wishes in terms of pay, working hours, working environment.

South-central region - The city of Plovdiv stands out as the economic center of the largest industrial zone in Bulgaria with the predominant participation of foreign companies in light and heavy industry. Companies are experiencing a shortage of technicians, machine operators and assemblers with secondary education and are attracting job seekers from economically backward regions (Smolyan, Kardzhali, etc., where migration to the interior of the country and EU countries is large), as well as citizens from third countries.

Southwest region - There is a large number of registered JS with high qualifications and skills and the advertised vacancies are for lower skilled positions.

Insufficient number of jobseekers with the required skills

Northwest region - There is a mismatch between the employment requirements of the positions offered and the education, skills and work experience of the job seekers. There are shortages of doctors, medical laboratory technicians, nurses, midwives, pharmacists, chefs, mechanical engineers, electricians, drivers, programmers, IT specialists, welders, machine operators, skilled road construction personnel.

South-central region - In Plovdiv, the demand for labor in the health care sector is increasing, there is a noticeable shortage of health professionals in hospitals and DCCs, there is also a lack of personnel with a marked technical focus (electrical specialists, mechanical technicians, plumbing, etc.) In the region of Smolyan, where the tourism sector is fundamental, the lack of personnel with the necessary professional knowledge and skills in the field of catering and tourism implies a demand from third parties.

Souteast region - Yes. Approximately ¼ of the registered job seekers.The large share among jobseekers with lower education and no qualifications (56%) creates difficulties for businesses and limits the growth of investments, especially in sectors with high added value.

Issues related to remuneration (e.g. minimum wage, living wage, subsidies)

Northwest region - Many of the jobs on offer are low paid. There is little interest in them - in many cases at the minimum wage /or slightly above it/ and also without additional social benefits. Some employers prefer to employ people in subsidised jobs.

Southeast region - The majority of job offerings have low wages, and the interest in them is small.

Southwest region - The wages declared by employers are insufficient for workers to cover their monthly expenses.


The general indicator of the business climate in Bulgaria declined in the third quarter of the year. A deterioration in attitude was reported in the manufacturing, construction and services sectors, while in retail the indicator remained close to the level of the previous quarter. The share of enterprises identifying labor shortages as a limiting factor for growth remained close to some of the historically high values. At the same time, the share of companies with insufficient demand increased, which is an indication of a decrease in the number of vacancies. According to a study by NEA among employers about their workforce needs, in the next 12 months the country will be looking for 262 thousand workers and specialists, of whichmore than 87% for replacement employment and only 13% for newly opened positions. The greatest demand will be for workers and specialists in the construction professions, followed by machine operators, teachers and lecturers, nurses and doctors.


Northwest region - There is such from small to large settlements.

South-central region - In regions such as Smolyan and Kardzhali, part of the South Central region, in recent years there has been a trend of emigration of the population to the more developed economic centers, which is a prerequisite for a decrease in the working-age population and a lack of labor. In the Kardzhali region, there is a tendency for the tailoring branch to occupy the largest market share, due to the collapse of the machine-building enterprises, which are currently structurally determining.

Southeast region - Migration from small towns to large cities. High levels of urbanization.

Platform work

South-central region - The interest and the need for work platforms is becoming more and more tangible.

Southeast region - Through employers’ web portals.

North Central - Most of the young people are looking for online or homeoffice type jobs

Remote work

In 2023, 1.8% of employed persons in Bulgaria sometimes worked from home, compared to 13.3% in the EU27. Additionally, 1% of employed persons in Bulgaria usually worked from home, while in the EU27 it was 8.9%.

Employed persons working from home as a percentage of the total employment (%)20192020202120222023

Note: lfsa_ehomp, Product - Datasets - Eurostat

Skills that are expected to increase or decline in demand

Northwest region - Soft skills; Professional international experience; Lack of digital skills; Fluency in a foreign language.

Southeast region - Soft skills ; Professional international experience.

Traineeships, internships and apprenticeships

Northwest region - There is an opportunity through employment measures under the Employment Promotion Act, also through the Human Resources Development Programme. In some cases it is difficult to satisfy employers’ wishes to hire trainees due to the lack of job seekers with the required specialty or professional qualification.

South-central region - Major employers in the region provide internship opportunities for graduates and post-graduate students.

Southeast region - Through employment and training programs and measures under the Employment Promotion Act and Projects of the Human Resources Development Program 2021-2027.

Unemployment (e.g. long-term, youth, female, structural or low-skilled)

Northwest region - There is a high relative share of long-term unemployed, people over 50 and people without education and/or qualifications. Long-term unemployment is also observed among unemployed persons from settlements distant from municipal centres.

South-central region - Unemployment is characterized by a large number of persons from vulnerable groups on the labor market: long-term unemployed, people with disabilities and persons over 50 years of age.

Southeast region - In varying proportions.
Unemployment in Bulgaria remains low and is defined as mainly structural, due to the mismatch between the skills sought in the market and those possessed by job seekers.

Workers with disabilities

Northwest region - Financial incentives are needed for employers to hire people with disabilities. In most cases, it is difficult to find employment for JS due to limitations in their ability to work and due to legal burdens related to additional protections in case of the need for exemption. People with disabilities themselves have a preference for hourly, telecommuting or home-based work.

Northeast region - There are not enough job openings for employed individuals in the open labor market. Employers often have specific requirements for filling positions for employed persons.

South-central region - It is increasingly difficult to place disabled people in the primary labor market. Employers need to be financially incentivized to hire more people from the disadvantaged group. Incentives should be in proportion to the duration of the guaranteed employment.

Southeast region - Inclusion in subsidized employment under the Employment Promotion Act and Projects of the Human Resources Development Program 2021-2027.

Workers’ and employers’ preferences on employment and working conditions don’t match

Northwest region - A large number of mobility-related jobs are available far from the cities where a large part of the population is concentrated. The pay offered by employers does not satisfy jobseekers. Many of the jobs on offer are on a shift basis and demand tends to be for regular shifts with weekends off.

Northeast region -There is a growing trend of dissatisfaction among employers and job seekers regarding pay, working hours, and working conditions. Job offers predominantly feature minimum or slightly above minimum wage, which strongly demotivates job candidates.

South-central region - The general trend is that it is increasingly difficult to meet the interests of employers and jobseekers in terms of working hours, pay, working hours and working conditions.

Southeast region - A large number of job opportunities are offered that involve mobility and are located far from cities, where a significant portion of the population is concentrated. The wages offered by employers do not satisfy job seekers. A significant portion of the available jobs are shift-based, whereas job seekers are more interested in regular shifts with weekends off.

Southwest region - There is a discrepancy in the working conditions stated by the employer when hiring employees and the actual ones. There is a mismatch between employers’ requirements and employees’ preferences in the performance of their duties

North Central- Most of the young people are looking for online or homeoffice type jobs, on the other hand few companies in the region offer such

Severozapaden (North West/Северозападен)

With 671 502 inhabitants, Severozapaden (North West) represented about 10.4% of the population in Bulgaria in 2023.

The gross domestic product per capita, adjusted for price levels (PPS) in Severozapaden (North West) was 24% of the EU27 average, well below the national average of 37.6%.

The main problem of Northwestern Bulgaria is the economic backwardness and the aging of the population, which do not create conditions for the effective functioning of the labor market and the increase of vacancies. The employers are concentrated in regional centers and larger municipalities. 20% of the able-bodied population of the region has a higher education, 65 with a secondary education and 15% with a primary or lower education. There are three higher schools which train specialists in medicine, teaching staff and pilots and engineering and technical staff for aviation. The employed persons in the area are predominantly in the trade, transport, hotel and restaurant sectors - about 31% of the employed, followed by State Administration; education; human healthcare and social activities -25% and Industry - 18% . Recruitment is from the local labor market plus third country nationals. The main language used in the companies is Bulgarian

In 2023, more than 277 000 people were active in the labour market in Severozapaden (North West). 25.2% had tertiary education, 66.1% had secondary education, and 8.7% had primary education. The employment rate in Severozapaden (North West) was 44.3 % in 2023, 9 percentage points lower than the national average in Bulgaria and in line with 2022 figures.

The employment rate for women in 2023 was 39.5%, men had an employment rate of 49.5%, and for the youth the employment rate was 16.3%, all below the national average.

Employment rate20192020202120222023
Total Bulgaria53.752.351.753.253.3
Female Bulgaria60.158.85859.459.4
Male Bulgaria47.846.445.947.547.7
Youth Bulgaria21.818.716.519.418.8

Note: lfst_r_lfe2emprt, Statistics | Eurostat (, data refer to age group 15 years or over

The unemployment rate in Severozapaden (North West) was 7.8% in 2023, 3.5 points higher than the national average in the same year and in line with the previous year.

Unemployment rate20192020202120222023

Note: lfst_r_lfu3rt, Statistics | Eurostat, data refer to age group 15 years or over


Vacancy positions: teachers, salespeople, laborer, tailors, welders, fitters, technicians, social workers, social assistants, machine operators (in metalworking, etc. Activities), cleaners, construction workers, shlosser, electricians


There is a shortage of doctors, medical laboratory assistants, midwives, pharmacists and assistant pharmacists, cooks, mechanical engineers, electricians, drivers, programmers, information technology specialists, welders, tailors, machine operators, qualified personnel in road construction.


Surpluses: unskilled workers, persons without education, persons with health problems.

Severen tsentralen (North Central/Северен централен)

With 686 334 inhabitants, Severen tsentralen (North Central) represented about 10.6% of the population in Bulgaria in 2023.

The gross domestic product per capita, adjusted for price levels (PPS) in Severen tsentralen (North Central) was 25.1% of the EU27 average, well below the national average of 37.6%.

The appearance of the labor market in the region is determined by the demand and supply in the large regional centers and larger municipalities. There are four university centers in the region - in the municipalities: Veliko Tarnovo, Ruse, Gabrovo and Svishtov. Specialists in pedagogy, humanities, engineering and technical specialists, specialists in accounting and insurance, management and control are trained. The region is home to the largest military school in the country.

Many of the structure-determining enterprises in the region optimized their personnel in the last year, and this trend will continue in the next year 2025. Tthe reasons are different, including an economically unstable situation, lack of personnel, automation and robotization of processes, increasing use of AI. Youth unemployment is permanently at very low levels. Many of the companies offer training at the workplace or in established company centers. Companies in the field of industry,hospitality and catering tend to and hire workers/employees from other countries - low-skilled for labor positions, and highly qualified technical for managerial positions.

In 2023, more than 310 700 people were active in the labour market in Severen tsentralen (North Central). 28.5% had tertiary education, 61.1% had secondary education, and 10.4% had primary education. The employment rate in Severen tsentralen (North Central) was 49.2 % in 2023, 4.1 percentage points lower than the national average in Bulgaria and in line with 2022 figures.

The employment rate for women in 2023 was 44.6%, men had an employment rate of 54.2%, and for the youth the employment rate was 20.2%. The employment rates for women and men were below the national average, while the employment rate for the youth was above the national average.

Employment rate20192020202120222023
Total Bulgaria53.752.351.753.253.3
Северен централен51.350.348.248.849.2
Male Bulgaria60.158.85859.459.4
Северен централен5856.753.153.754.2
Female Bulgaria47.846.445.947.547.7
Северен централен45.244.643.744.444.6
Youth Bulgaria21.818.716.519.418.8
Северен централен23.818.115.516.920.2

Note: lfst_r_lfe2emprt, Statistics | Eurostat (, data refer to age group 15 years or over

The unemployment rate in Severen tsentralen (North Central) was 6% in 2023, 1.7 points higher than the national average in the same year and in line with the previous year.

Unemployment rate20192020202120222023
Северен централен5.

Note: lfst_r_lfu3rt, Statistics | Eurostat, data refer to age group 15 years or over


Vacant positions: tailors, teachers, doctors, nurses and laboratory assistants, orderlies, social workers, machine operators in automotive, furniture and machining, technicians, mechanics, assemblers, salesmen


Shortages are mainly in trade, transport, hospitality and catering, education, healthcare, social services, light industry, sewing industry, furniture industry, mechanical engineering and metalworking, automotive industry


The percentage of registered unemployed women is more than men. Also, registered unemployment among people over 50 is bigger.

Severoiztochen (North East/Североизточен)

With 823 884 inhabitants, Severoiztochen (North East) represented about 12.8% of the population in Bulgaria in 2023.

The gross domestic product per capita, adjusted for price levels (PPS) in Severoiztochen (North East) was 29.1% of the EU27 average, below the national average of 37.6%.

The labor market in the North-Eastern region is strongly influenced by the country’s third largest municipality - Varna. Tourism, mainly marine, is highly developed in Varna and the Black Sea regions of Varna and Dobritch. The region is also the largest grain production area in the country and related processing industries. Seasonal employment prevails in the area, for which employers from the “Hospitality and Restaurant” and Agriculture sectors announce wages, most often within the range of BGN 933-1100. This is one of the main factors that lead to recruitment mainly from third countries (Ukraine, North Macedonia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Turkey, etc.) Most often, the recruitment model is the “Staged Interviewing Model” - according to documents , face-to-face interview and practical assignments. There are outsourcing companies that mainly work in English and German - in the field of IT services and support with the possibility of a hybrid mode of operation. There are 6 universities, 1 college and 1 university branch in the region, which train specialists in areas such as economics and management, medicine, pedagogy, engineering and technical personnel, specialists for the military and civil fleet.

In 2023, more than 400 800 people were active in the labour market in Severoiztochen (North East). 32% had tertiary education, 51.6% had secondary education, and 16.3% had primary education. The employment rate in Severoiztochen (North East) was 54.3 % in 2023, the national average and in line with 2022 figures.

The employment rate for women in 2023 was 46.8%, men had an employment rate of 62.5%, and for the youth the employment rate was 19.8%. The employment rate for women was below the national average, while the employment rates for men and the youth were above the national average.


Employment rate20192020202120222023
Total Bulgaria53.752.351.753.253.3
Male Bulgaria60.158.85859.459.4
Female Bulgaria47.846.445.947.547.7
Youth Bulgaria21.818.716.519.418.8

Note: lfst_r_lfe2emprt, Statistics | Eurostat (, data refer to age group 15 years or over

The unemployment rate in Severoiztochen (North East) was 4.5% in 2023, in line with the national average in the same year and in line with the previous year.

Unemployment rate20192020202120222023

Note: lfst_r_lfu3rt, Statistics | Eurostat, data refer to age group 15 years or over


The companies announcing vacancies are from different sectors of the economy. Indicative distribution by sectors and professions: hotel and restaurant sector - cook, waiter, valet, administrator; trade sector - seller-consultant, cashier; services sector - accountant, technical secretary; IT sector - software developer, computer network support, programming specialist; production sector - machine operator, adjuster, fitter, technician; education sector - teacher for schools and kindergartens, resource teacher, psychologist, assistant educator.


Shortages are reported in the summer season for tourism and agriculture personnel. The persons who have experience and wish to work in this field are mainly active abroad. There is a permanent shortage of medical specialists, especially in smaller general and large hospitals.


There is a surplus of labor mainly in occupations that are characterized by low productivity, replaced by automation and new technologies.

Yugoiztochen (South East/Югоизточен)

With 948 410 inhabitants, Yugoiztochen (South East) represented about 14.7% of the population in Bulgaria in 2023.

The gross domestic product per capita, adjusted for price levels (PPS) in Yugoiztochen (South East) was 33.6% of the EU27 average, below the national average of 37.6%.

The labor market in the South-East region is strongly influenced by the nearness to the southern Black Sea coast and the border with Turkiye. on one side and the still operating coal plants on the other. Demand and supply is characterized by a pronounced seasonality during the summer months. Recruitment in tourism and agriculture is from the whole country plus third country nationals. The main language used in the companies is Bulgarian, and for the summer months people who know foreign languages ​​are wanted. A serious challenge in the region is the transition to a low-carbon economy, which is associated with serious investments and retraining of the workforce.

In 2023, more than 438 900 people were active in the labour market in Yugoiztochen (South East). 24.5% had tertiary education, 60.1% had secondary education, and 15.4% had primary education. The employment rate in Yugoiztochen (South East) was 52.7 % in 2023, in line with the national average and in line with 2022 figures.

The employment rate for women in 2023 was 45.5%, men had an employment rate of 60.7%, and for the youth the employment rate was 17.9%. The employment rates for women and the youth were below the national average, while the employment rate for men was above the national average.


Employment rate20192020202120222023
Total Bulgaria53.752.351.753.253.3
Male Bulgaria60.158.85859.459.4
Female Bulgaria47.846.445.947.547.7
Youth Bulgaria21.818.716.519.418.8

Note: lfst_r_lfe2emprt, Statistics | Eurostat (, data refer to age group 15 years or over

The unemployment rate in Yugoiztochen (South East) was 4.6% in 2023, in line with the national average in the same year and in line with the previous year.

Unemployment rate20192020202120222023

Note: lfst_r_lfu3rt, Statistics | Eurostat, data refer to age group 15 years or over


During the summer months, the professions in the field of hospitality and catering, as well as related activities, transport and services, are most in demand./bartenders, waiters, administrators, cooks, lifeguards/ During the rest of the year, machine operators for large companies over 250 people, teachers, bus driver, conductor, companies sales consultant, security guard for medium and large companies.


An acute shortage is experienced in seasonal jobs, for companies n cable production, metalworking, metallurgy, transport companies.


None are observed.

Yugozapaden (South West/Югозападен)

With 2 016 554 inhabitants, Yugozapaden (South West) represented about 31.3% of the population in Bulgaria in 2023.

The gross domestic product per capita, adjusted for price levels (PPS) in Yugozapaden (South West) was 58.8% of the EU27 average, well above the national average of 37.6%.

The area falls under the category of “regions in transition”, which is the only one in the country with this status. This makes it equal to most European regions in terms of opportunities to find quality jobs. The labor market is dominated by the capital, where 43% of the country’s employed population is concentrated. In the capital, the market of IT specialists is highly developed, highly qualified specialists are sought in the field of high technologies, mechanical engineering, chemical production, financial and banking services, engineering and logistics. There are also areas with high unemployment in the region, such as the Blagoevgrad and Kyustendil regions, where the labor market is strongly influenced by cross-border and transnational labor migration to Greece and the EU. The logistics activity is highly developed in the Sofia region, where a number of global companies have warehouses and production bases.

In most large and medium-sized enterprises, the working language is both Bulgarian and English. For staffing, most companies in the area rely on specialized recruitment companies.

In 2023, more than 1 037 000 people were active in the labour market in Yugozapaden (South West). 43.8% had tertiary education, 50.2% had secondary education, and 6% had primary education. The employment rate in Yugozapaden (South West) was 58.3 % in 2023, 5 percentage points higher than the national average in Bulgaria and in line with 2022 figures.

The employment rate for women in 2023 was 54.2%, men had an employment rate of 62.7%, and for the youth the employment rate was 19.1%, all above the national average.

Employment rate20192020202120222023
Total Bulgaria53.752.351.753.253.3
Male Bulgaria60.158.85859.459.4
Female Bulgaria47.846.445.947.547.7
Youth Bulgaria21.818.716.519.418.8

Note: lfst_r_lfe2emprt, Statistics | Eurostat (, data refer to age group 15 years or over

The unemployment rate in Yugozapaden (South West) was 3.5% in 2023, in line with the national average in the same year and in line with the previous year.

Unemployment rate20192020202120222023

Note: lfst_r_lfu3rt, Statistics | Eurostat, data refer to age group 15 years or over


The most sought-after specialists and qualified workers in the area are: Health care specialists; Psychologist; Specialist software; Professor; Nurse; Teacher; Pharmacist; Mechanical engineer; Builder; Construction technician; Tailor; Operational Accountant; Machine operator; Graphic designer; Woodworker, etc.


Labor shortages are reported both for positions with specific skills in the IT sector, financial and insurance services, medical professionals, educators and teachers, as well as for occupations serving manufacturing and construction. There is also a serious shortage in the field of tourism.


A surplus is accounted for by unskilled and low-educated workforce.

Yuzhen tsentralen (South Central/Южен централен)

With 1 301 026 inhabitants, Yuzhen tsentralen (South Central) represented about 20.2% of the population in Bulgaria in 2023.

The gross domestic product per capita, adjusted for price levels (PPS) in Yuzhen tsentralen (South Central) was 26.3% of the EU27 average, well below the national average of 37.6%.

The Plovdiv region, as a main part of the South Central region, stands out as the economic center of the largest industrial zone in Bulgaria with a predominant participation of foreign companies in light and heavy industry. The spheres of services, commercial activity, tourism are developing. In the Smolyan region, the labor market is characterized by the development of tourism, light industry and services. In the region of Haskovo, there is a noticeable lack of drivers and welders, which forces employers to look for personnel from abroad.

In 2023, more than 598 100 people were active in the labour market in Yuzhen tsentralen (South Central). 28% had tertiary education, 59.9% had secondary education, and 12.1% had primary education. The employment rate in Yuzhen tsentralen (South Central) was 52.1 % in 2023, 1.2 percentage points lower than the national average in Bulgaria and in line with 2022 figures.

The employment rate for women in 2023 was 45.5%, men had an employment rate of 59.5%, and for the youth the employment rate was 18.8%. The employment rate for women was below the national average, the employment rate for men was above the national average, and the employment rate for the youth was equal to the national average.


Employment rate20192020202120222023
Total Bulgaria53.752.351.753.253.3
Южен централен53.251.550.251.352.1
Male Bulgaria60.158.85859.459.4
Южен централен59.958.
Female Bulgaria47.846.445.947.547.7
Южен централен47.245.443.94545.5
Youth Bulgaria21.818.716.519.418.8
Южен централен19.518.816.919.918.8

Note: lfst_r_lfe2emprt, Statistics | Eurostat (, data refer to age group 15 years or over

The unemployment rate in Yuzhen tsentralen (South Central) was 3.1% in 2023, 1.2 points lower than the national average in the same year and in line with the previous year.

Unemployment rate20192020202120222023
Южен централен33.

Note: lfst_r_lfu3rt, Statistics | Eurostat, data refer to age group 15 years or over


Vacancies: Doctors and other health professionals; Technical specialists with higher or secondary education (electrical technicians, mechanical engineering, plumbing); Unemployed persons with foreign language skills; Machine operators and assemblers with secondary education. Attracting jobseekers from regions lagging behind in their economic development ( where migration to the interior of the country and EU countries is high), as well as citizens from third countries. The number of jobs in HORECA is growing.


Companies experience a shortage of technicians and specialists with higher and secondary education (electrical technicians, mechanical engineering, plumbing); unemployed persons with foreign language skills; machine operators and assemblers with secondary education; personnel in the field of tourism; drivers; security guards; doctors and other health professionals.


The realization on the labor market is becoming more difficult for graduates in the field of economic, legal sciences, psychology, business administration, political science.