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EURES (EURopean Employment Services)
  • Info days

Job Dating in Vielha (Spain) for working in Winter Season

You are welcome to the Palai d´Espòrts in Vielha on 5th November from 10.00 to 13.00. There will be companies in the hopitality and tourism sectors that search candidates for their workplaces, such as chefs, kitchen assistants, waiters, ski instructors, ski shop assistants... Bring your CV and you can contact the companies and make an interview. If you cannot come, you can also send your CV to the following e-mail address: otg_vielha [dot] socatgencat [dot] cat (otg_vielha[dot]soc[at]gencat[dot]cat)

  • labour mobility
  • Tuesday 5 November 2019, 00:00 - 23:45 (CET)
  • Vielha, Spain
  • Spain

Practical information

Tuesday 5 November 2019, 00:00 - 23:45 (CET)
Palai d´Espòrts Vielha, Avenguda Garona
Palai d´Espòrts Vielha, Avenguda Garona 34, Vielha Lleida, Spain
English, Spanish
SOC (Servei Públic d´Ocupació de Catalunya), Pôle Emploi and Gremi d´Ostalaria de la Val d´Aran
Job Dating in Vielha (Spain) for working in Winter Season